Agenda item


In June 2012, Surrey County Council was successful in securing an award of £14.3 million in funding from the Department for Transport’s Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF). This is in addition to the award of £3.9 million LSTF Key Component secured in July 2011. Both grants are for the period up to 31 March 2015 and jointly form the Surrey Travel SMART programme. As part of the Surrey Travel SMART programme, a total of £4.8 million has been allocated for sustainable travel improvements in Redhill/Reigate.


This paper is separated into two parts. The first provides an overview of the Travel SMART programme and the second asks Members to consider Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) to enable works on cycle route improvements to take place during 2013-14.


(Report and Annexes A to D attached)


The Committee:


(i)    NOTED the overview of the Travel SMART programme and progress made in 2012-13.


(ii)   In respect of Route 1A (via New Battlebridge Lane):


a)         APPROVED conversion to shared pedestrian and cycle use at the northern footway of New Battlebridge Lane and a short section of London Road between the service road and New Battlebridge Lane, as detailed in paragraphs 2.17 to 2.23 of the report submitted.


b)         APPROVED a highway widening line of 1.0m on the vacant site at the north-east corner of London Road and New Battlebridge Lane for the purposes of increasing the footway from its current 2.2m width to 3.2m.


(iii)  In respect of Route 1B (via Alpine Road):


a)         APPROVED conversion of the footways adjoining the A23 London Road and a short section of Alpine Road to shared use for pedestrians and cyclists, as detailed in paragraphs 2.24 to 2.28 of the report submitted.


b)         APPROVED the widening of the footpath linking London Road with Alpine Road, and permitting the link to be used by pedestrians and cyclists.



Declarations of Interest: None


Officer attending: Marc Woodall, Travel SMART Engagement Team Manager and Harris Vallianatos, Engagement Officer


Petitions, Public Questions, Statements: None


Member Discussion – key points:


·         A question was asked regarding the provision of a toucan crossing across London Road. Officers confirmed that the existing pelican crossing would remain in place. There were no plans to convert this to a toucan crossing at this stage, as the costs were disproportionate to the need.

·         Further detail on Routes 1A and 1B was requested, as well as information on how the cycle route would navigate the Holmethorpe Industrial Estate. Officers reported that further details would be brought to the LSTF Task Group in July.

·         Concerns were raised that the northern part of the borough was not being considered. Officers highlighted some of the measures which would benefit the whole borough, including the Bike It programme which was particularly popular in the Banstead area.

·         A question was asked regarding the ongoing maintenance costs of the proposed information screens. Officers reported that a five year maintenance package had been included in the deal, after which the costs would be subsumed into the countywide information screens programme.

·         Concerns were raised regarding the proposed use of private land at the end of Alpine Road for Route 1B. Officers reported that no objections had been received from residents, and the plans only involved the installation of signage (Post meeting note – officers have confirmed that the 2 metre wide footway along the length of the western side of Alpine Road is adopted highway, and therefore enjoys full legal public access, and has been converted to shared-use for pedestrians and cyclists).

·         Members wished to know if it was possible for a smaller Brompton Cycle dock to be installed at Reigate Station. Officers reported that they were still in discussions regarding the installation of a dock at Redhill Station. No funding had been allocated for Reigate Station, but there is a possibility of the Business Forum funding this.

·         A question was asked regarding bus corridors and whether further bus lanes would be installed. Officers confirmed that this was not planned due to lack of road space, but journey times could be improved via other measures, such as the installation of bus priority at traffic signals.

·         It was suggested that funding electric scooters may help in encouraging people back to work. Officers replied that this was being looked into, and it was noted that a scheme called “Wheels to Work” was being operated by East Surrey Rural Transport Partnership.




The Committee:


(i)    NOTED the overview of the Travel SMART programme and progress made in 2012-13.


(ii)   In respect of Route 1A (via New Battlebridge Lane):


a)         APPROVED conversion to shared pedestrian and cycle use at the northern footway of New Battlebridge Lane and a short section of London Road between the service road and New Battlebridge Lane, as detailed in paragraphs 2.17 to 2.23 of the report submitted.


b)         APPROVED a highway widening line of 1.0m on the vacant site at the north-east corner of London Road and New Battlebridge Lane for the purposes of increasing the footway from its current 2.2m width to 3.2m.


(iii)  In respect of Route 1B (via Alpine Road):


a)         APPROVED conversion of the footways adjoining the A23 London Road and a short section of Alpine Road to shared use for pedestrians and cyclists, as detailed in paragraphs 2.24 to 2.28 of the report submitted.


b)         APPROVED the widening of the footpath linking London Road with Alpine Road, and permitting the link to be used by pedestrians and cyclists.


Supporting documents: