Agenda item


To consider requests that have been received for either the introduction of new parking restrictions or changes to existing restrictions at various sites in Epsom and Ewell.



The Local Committee (Epsom & Ewell) agreed:

(i) That the county council’s intention to introduce the proposals in Annex 1 is formally advertised, and subject to statutory consultation;

(ii) That if no objections are received when the proposals are advertised, the appropriate traffic

regulation orders are made;

(iii) That if objections are received which cannot be resolved, in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation, the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team Manager considers them, in consultation with the Chairman / Vice Chairman of this committee and the county councillor for the division, and decides whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the order should be made, with or without modifications.

(iv) That a meeting be held with the EV charging point team to discuss the criteria for the installation of EV charging points with a view to suggesting options alongside those in annex 2.

(v) That the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team Manager is delegated authority to determine the exact positions in consultation with the Chair, Vice-Chair and Local Member prior to statutory consultation.


It is recommended that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annex

1. They will make a positive impact towards:-

• Road safety

• Access for emergency vehicles

• Access for refuse vehicles

• Easing traffic congestion

• Better regulated parking

• Better enforcement

This will help us achieve our 2030 Community Vision objectives:

• Residents live in clean, safe, and green communities where people and

organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities.

• Journeys across the county are easier, more predictable, and safer.



Declarations of Interest: None

Officers attending: Stephen Clavey, Senior Engineer

Petitions,PublicQuestions, Statements:


Member discussion – key points


The Senior Engineer advised the following amendments to the report;

Cllr Eber Kington has a proposal on Vale Road to make the Temporary Traffic Order permanent.

Cllr Steve Bridger to amend the proposal for Manor Green Road to extend the double yellow line between the end of the existing restrictions on the east side between West Hill and West Hill Avenue. Instead put in a single yellow line and make the disabled bay mandatory.

Cllr Julie Morris mentioned drawing 19 which is called Mill Lane but is actually Mill Road the problem doesn’t exist as houses not built. She asked the committee to consider one of three options;

1.    Abandon scheme.

2.    Delay to Phase 15.

3.    Consider protecting the two access points to the new houses.

The divisional member agreed that any highways issues would have been highlighted when planning was given and will consider removal of the scheme with the Senior Engineer.


Cllr Neil Dallen queried the proposal for West Hill permit scheme (Zone R)

A request has been received to allow numbers 2, 4 and 6 to apply for visitors permits in

zone R. This will allow us to enforce parking on the access road to those properties, where vehicles currently shouldn’t be parking. There is no drawing for this proposal. The Senior Engineer confirmed this was a request from Epsom and Ewell Borough Council following a request from residents and should read West Hill permit scheme (Zone R) A request has been received to allow numbers 2, 4 and 6 to apply for visitors permits in zone R. This will be corrected before it goes out to public consultation.


Cllr Neil Dallen asked whether we know figures for how many permits have been issued and how many spaces there are and if they are oversubscribed. The Senior Engineer confirmed EEBC have confirmed there is room for additional permits and he can ask how many permits have been issued. It is difficult to gauge the number of spaces due to the size of the vehicles. The Senior Engineer can give a rough guide and also ask if it is possible to find out how many are being used each day.


Cllr Nigel Collin asked what was the net reduction in parking across these proposals. The Senior Engineer confirmed the parking proposals were for safety and to prevent obstructive parking. The permits were to increase places to park.


Cllr Eber Kington mentioned that Cunliffe Road had not yet had the lines painted so any change will have to come to Phase 15, once down will then need to check if buses are still unable to get through. The Senior Engineer apologised for the delay and will continue to chase.


In response to Cllr Eber Kington the Senior Engineer confirmed that the same double yellow lines for Salisbury Road appear on drawing 2 and 3. He also made a note that on Timbercroft the double yellow lines need to extend to number 22. And that on Court Farm Avenue the stretch is not the minimum ten metres but needs to be two cars length on drawing 6.


Cllr Neil Dallen mentioned the introduction of double yellow lines on Scotts Farm Road will cause problems but he does not know Cllr Jan Mason’s view. The Senior Engineer believed this request came from the bus company who could remove services. The Vice Chairman (Cllr Steven McCormick) agreed to make Cllr Jan Mason aware and liaise with the Senior Engineer.


The Vice Chairman (Cllr Steven McCormick) mentioned the proposal for Derby Arms Road to extend the current double yellow lines may be too long but easier to reduce and he will make residents aware.


The Vice Chairman (Cllr Steven McCormick) moved on to electric vehicle (EV) and charging points. As mentioned under Chairmen’s business members had not been consulted but can take feedback back to the parking team.


Members had a long discussion and the Senior Engineer confirmed he was involved in suggesting locations but the EV team needed to provide further information and answers to the points raised.

It was confirmed that the rationale for four bays in six locations rather than two bays in twelve locations and for residential areas rather than near to shops and amenities is due to criteria including width of footpath and nearby electricity supply. Four bays need two machines and that is more economical.

A member drew attention to four EV points in Woodlands Avenue that are more convenient for Sutton residents rather than residents in Ewell Court, Auriol and Cuddington. The Senior Engineer confirmed this is a new process that is evolving and locations suggested are viable but can be changed, Woodlands Avenue was a suggested relocation from The Avenue.

Members were concerned about finding locations and it was agreed that the expectation was not that members find them but suggest to the EV team if they are aware of locations.

Suggestions can be made on the SCC website where residents would like to see a residential public chargepoint installed, the EV team will then consult with members on these.

The chargepoints could be approved in this current Parking Review if the location and approach are acceptable or they would go to the next Parking Review.

Regarding Kiln Lane it was agreed that the EV team would check if Sainsbury’s and Wickes planned to put in fast charge points.

It was confirmed that parking in an EV bay would be enforced the same as a pay and display bay.

It was noted that not everyone can charge at home for reasons including living in a conservation area and no driveway. There has been a lot of work regarding climate change and to get to net zero residents who wish to go green should be helped to do so.

The Senior Engineer drew attention to the current consultation regarding a number of changes to permit parking schemes in Surrey. Information is available on the SCC website Parking permit review 2022 - Surrey County Council ( The closing date for making comments is Saturday 30 April 2022. 

Members agreed on the recommendations (i), (ii) and (iii). Cllr Eber Kington proposed the following amendments to the recommendations (iv) and (v).

(iv) That a meeting be held with the EV charging point team to discuss the criteria for the installation of EV charging points with a view to suggesting options alongside those in annex 2.

(v) That the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team Manager is delegated authority to determine the exact positions in consultation with the Chair, Vice-Chair and Local Member prior to statutory consultation.

Cllr Debbie Monksfield confirmed her support to second Cllr Eber Kington’s proposal. Members voted by a show of hands on the revised recommendations. This was AGREED by seven votes in favour and one against.


The Local Committee (Epsom & Ewell) agreed:

(i) That the county council’s intention to introduce the proposals in Annex 1 is formally advertised, and subject to statutory consultation;

(ii) That if no objections are received when the proposals are advertised, the appropriate traffic

regulation orders are made;

(iii) That if objections are received which cannot be resolved, in accordance with the county council’s scheme of delegation, the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team Manager considers them, in consultation with the Chairman / Vice Chairman of this committee and the county councillor for the division, and decides whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the order should be made, with or without modifications.

(iv) That a meeting be held with the EV charging point team to discuss the criteria for the installation of EV charging points with a view to suggesting options alongside those in annex 2.

(v) That the Parking and Traffic Enforcement Team Manager is delegated authority to determine the exact positions in consultation with the Chair, Vice-Chair and Local Member prior to statutory consultation.


It is recommended that the waiting restrictions are implemented as detailed in Annex

1. They will make a positive impact towards:-

• Road safety

• Access for emergency vehicles

• Access for refuse vehicles

• Easing traffic congestion

• Better regulated parking

• Better enforcement

This will help us achieve our 2030 Community Vision objectives:

• Residents live in clean, safe, and green communities where people and

organisations embrace their environmental responsibilities.

• Journeys across the county are easier, more predictable, and safer.




Supporting documents: