Agenda item


In June 2015, the world will celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta at Runnymede. The aim of this report is to outline the plans for a Partnership Masterplan (comprising a legacy and programme of events), to describe the wider benefits that will accrue to the area, and to seek funding. This, together with funding from our partners will then comprise match funding for a major bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund. Surrey plans will co-ordinated with plans at a national level, that are being developed with the Magna Carta 800th Committee, the Houses of Parliament and other Charter Towns.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]



1.      The outline Partnership Masterplan be agreed as set out in paragraphs 10 to 19 of the report submitted.


2.      Additional project funding support, comprising of £700,000 capital funding for the legacy programme and £300,000 revenue funding for the events programme, be factored into the refresh of the Medium Term Financial Plan.


3.      A major bid be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund to contribute to the Magna Carta programme.


4.      The financial oversight of the Partnership Masterplan be delegated to the Leader of the Council, with implementation by the Assistant Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Community Services.


Reason for decisions

To ensure that the significance of the 800th Anniversary is recognised and the benefits are maximised for the area in 2015 with lasting benefits beyond. To achieve these aims, partners are working collaboratively to pool resources and expertise. To fulfil all the ambitions of the report, the partnership will submit an exciting and innovative bid for match funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund.


[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Communities Select Committee]


In June 2015, the world will celebrate the 800th Anniversary of the sealing of the Magna Carta at Runnymede. Through clear strategic leadership, Surrey had been working with the Magna Carta 800th Committee, the Houses of Parliament and all other Charter Towns to provide a co-ordinated plan of activities across the nation and to promote the area to national and international visitors.


The Cabinet considered an outline of the plans for a Partnership Masterplan, which comprised a legacy and programme of events, and the wider benefits that would accrue to the area. The proposals for the Magna Carta Anniversary in Surrey would look to create a lasting legacy in terms of tourism and resources for the Runnymede area. Historic Egham would be promoted as the gateway to “Magna Carta Country” giving it a clear cultural and tourism identity to attract visitors to the wider area. Significant work had taken place with local people, partners and organisations to develop both an exciting civic event in 2015 and a long term legacy in terms of investment for the area. This work would continue and would look to involve local people, particularly school children, in developing the celebrations.


The Communities Select Committee had considered this item at its meeting on 11 July 2013. The Select Committee’s recommendations had been circulated to Cabinet Members and were tabled at the meeting. The Cabinet Member for Community Services thanked the Communities Select Committee for their consideration of the progress which had been made and noted the comments and concerns which had been raised. The proposals before the Cabinet represented an outline masterplan about which greater detail would be developed as the project progressed. She advised that she had discussed the Select Committee’s concerns with the Select Committee Chairman and had agreed that a Members’ seminar would be held in the autumn to discuss how the masterplan would be developed and to obtain Members’ input on the proposals.


The Cabinet Member for Community Services noted that the decision before the Cabinet was to agree the outline of the partnership masterplan and funding from which further work would take place. It was important that this agreement be put in place to enable funding support to be sought, for example via a major matched funding bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund, and other funding and partnership opportunities explored. Cabinet Members expressed support for the proposals and the holding of Magna Carta celebratory events around Runnymede and Surrey.


It was noted that a bid for funding for work on the Runnymede roundabout was expected to be considered by the Department for Transport around the end of July 2013.




1.      The outline Partnership Masterplan be agreed as set out in paragraphs 10 to 19 of the report submitted.


2.      Additional project funding support, comprising of £700,000 capital funding for the legacy programme and £300,000 revenue funding for the events programme, be factored into the refresh of the Medium Term Financial Plan.


3.      A major bid be made to the Heritage Lottery Fund to contribute to the Magna Carta programme.


4.      The financial oversight of the Partnership Masterplan be delegated to the Leader of the Council, with the Assistant Chief Executive to implement the Masterplan in consultation with the Leader of the Council and the Cabinet Member for Community Services.


Reason for decisions

To ensure that the significance of the 800th Anniversary is recognised and the benefits are maximised for the area in 2015 with lasting benefits beyond.

Supporting documents: