This report seeks Cabinet approval for £24m of capital funding for the design and construction of three Supported Independent Living (SIL) schemes in Byfleet, Horley and Cobham.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
1. That Cabinet approves capital funding of £24m for the design and construction of the SIL Batch 1 accommodation schemes at the former Manor School (Byfleet), the former Horley Library (Horley) and Coveham Hostel (Cobham). The recommended funding of £24m includes £2.1m premium, being a result of achieving Net-Zero Carbon in respect of the specification for Operational Net-Zero Carbon.
2. That Cabinet approves procurement of an appropriate construction contractor partner for the delivery of all associated services required, in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.
3. That Cabinet agrees that in regards to the procurement of the construction contractor, the Executive Director of Resources and the Director of Land and Property are authorised to award such contracts, within the +/- 5% budgetary tolerance level.
Reasons for Decisions:
Approving the recommendations in this report will:
a) Support the Council to achieve its strategic ambition of reducing the number of people with a learning disability and/or autism requiring support in a traditional residential care home funded by the Council from 1,075 by 40-50%.
b) Enable residents with learning disabilities and/or autism, who meet the Council’s eligibility criteria for adult social care funding, to have their own accommodation and improve their independence and wellbeing.
c) Support Surrey residents with more complex needs to remain in county, rather than in specialist placements outside of the county.
d) Make an essential contribution towards the Council’s strategic objective to tackle health inequality, in line with the 2030 Community Vision.
e) Provide purpose-built accommodation at a level of cost proportionate to other delivery options such as buying and converting (or commissioning conversion) stock from the market, therefore demonstrating value for money.
f) Support the Council’s Greener Futures agenda and Net-Zero Carbon ambitions by using innovative technologies and smart build in the schemes design.
g) Address fuel poverty issues, energy efficient homes will reduce heating costs for vulnerable tenants who pay their own utility bills.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Adults and Health who explained that Cabinet were being asked to approve £24m of capital funding for the design and construction of three purpose-built Supported Independent Living (SIL) schemes in Byfleet, Horley and Cobham. The schemes will deliver high-quality, specialist residential accommodation for working age adults with learning disabilities and/or autism to enable these residents to lead more independent lives. Since July 2019 there were 1075 people with a learning disability and/ or autism living in residential care but this has reduced to 922 due to the councils transformative agenda. A reduction of 14%.
The Cabinet Member for Property and Waste commented that all accommodation had been designed to be adapted for residents with 60% of the new homes being delivered ready for immediate or future occupation by wheelchair users or residents with complex care needs. A fabric first approach had been applied to the buildings. The designers were orientating the buildings to make the most of natural daylight, maximise energy generated from solar panels and minimise artificial lighting. These schemes would be designed to deliver energy efficient buildings which will result in lower fuel bills for the residents and meet the Council's operational net zero carbon target.
1. That Cabinet approves capital funding of £24m for the design and construction of the SIL Batch 1 accommodation schemes at the former Manor School (Byfleet), the former Horley Library (Horley) and Coveham Hostel (Cobham). The recommended funding of £24m includes £2.1m premium, being a result of achieving Net-Zero Carbon in respect of the specification for Operational Net-Zero Carbon.
2. That Cabinet approves procurement of an appropriate construction contractor partner for the delivery of all associated services required, in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders.
3. That Cabinet agrees that in regards to the procurement of the construction contractor, the Executive Director of Resources and the Director of Land and Property are authorised to award such contracts, within the +/- 5% budgetary tolerance level.
Reasons for Decisions:
Approving the recommendations in this report will:
a) Support the Council to achieve its strategic ambition of reducing the number of people with a learning disability and/or autism requiring support in a traditional residential care home funded by the Council from 1,075 by 40-50%.
b) Enable residents with learning disabilities and/or autism, who meet the Council’s eligibility criteria for adult social care funding, to have their own accommodation and improve their independence and wellbeing.
c) Support Surrey residents with more complex needs to remain in county, rather than in specialist placements outside of the county.
d) Make an essential contribution towards the Council’s strategic objective to tackle health inequality, in line with the 2030 Community Vision.
e) Provide purpose-built accommodation at a level of cost proportionate to other delivery options such as buying and converting (or commissioning conversion) stock from the market, therefore demonstrating value for money.
f) Support the Council’s Greener Futures agenda and Net-Zero Carbon ambitions by using innovative technologies and smart build in the schemes design.
g) Address fuel poverty issues, energy efficient homes will reduce heating costs for vulnerable tenants who pay their own utility bills.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
Supporting documents: