Agenda item


[Andrew Milne]

(Approximate starting time – 7.05pm)


To update the committee on highways schemes within the borough.


The Local Committee agreed to note:


i)    The progress with the ITS highways and developer funded schemes with the exception of paragraph 2.3 which will come back to Committee in September 2013.


ii)   The progress with budget expenditure          


iii)   That a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.



The above recommendations were made to enable progression of all highway related schemes and works. Members requested that a report on the 2013/14 ITS funded schemes be brought back to Committee in September for decision.  This will enable members to fully consider the implications of progressing with the Albert Drive scheme, whether it is possible to partly implement it on the section from the BDB roundabout to Sheerwater Road, and the other options available to members, including progressing with the alternative Maybury Hill scheme.


Andrew Milne introduced the report which updated the committee on highways schemes within the borough. Regarding paragraph 2.3 Andrew explained that due to increased costs of the Albert Drive scheme, and the uncertainty of the area given the proposed Sheerwater regeneration, it was recommended to Members that the alternative scheme of Maybury Hill be progressed for the 13/14 ITS programme and to re-look at the Albert Drive scheme for 2014/15 when more detail on what the Sheerwater scheme will look like will be available. The Maybury Hill scheme would make use of developer deposits and could be delivered within the financial year.


Member discussion:

Members had mixed views on which scheme should be progressed for 13/14 given the recent development proposals and increase in costs. Issues raised included:

·         The increase in costs of the Albert Drive scheme and affordability.

·         Whether it would be possible to partly implement the Albert Drive scheme from the Bishop David Brown roundabout to Sheerwater Road.

·         Request for more clarity over the vision for Sheerwater and what would be included.

·         The impact of developer traffic on a new traffic calming scheme.

·         Further information and consultation would be required for the Maybury Hill scheme.

·         The impact of going with the Maybury Hill scheme on the rest of the 13/14 ITS programme.

·         The knock on effect of the Sheerwater Link Road on traffic on Albert Drive.


The Committee therefore requested that a report on the 2013/14 ITS funded schemes be brought back to Committee in September for decision.  This will enable members to fully consider the implications of progressing with the Albert Drive scheme, whether it is possible to partly implement it on the section of the road from the BDB roundabout to Sheerwater Road, and the other options available to members, including progressing with the alternative Maybury Hill scheme.  Andrew explained bringing the item back for decision in September may have an impact on deliverability.


Other points raised on this report included:

·         Lockfield Drive and Well Lane junction - white lines and poor signage.  Andrew confirmed that others have raised concerns and the junction is currently under review.

·         The lack of markings for the Sythwood shared use path was raised.  Officers would look at this and respond to Cllr Cross outside the meeting.

Mrs Kemeny noted she has continued to receive reports from residents about speeding on Blackhorse Road and asked whether this could be reviewed again.  Andrew explained that when this was last reviewed the accident history was looked at and a site visit with the Cabinet member was held.  The view was that a decrease in speed limit from 40mph to 30mph was counter to SCC policy and could not be supported.  If a further report was to be brought to committee, the officer recommendations would remain unchanged.  The Chairman requested that a further report be brought back to a future meeting so the committee could look at the issue again.




The Local Committee agreed to note:


i)    The progress with the ITS highways and developer funded schemes with the exception of paragraph 2.3 which will come back to Committee in September 2013.


ii)   The progress with budget expenditure.         


iii)   That a further Highways Update will be brought to the next meeting of this Committee.



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