Agenda item


[Paul Fishwick]

(Approximate starting time – 7.55pm)


To receive the annual report from 2012/13 and an update on the programme for 2013/14 including decisions required.


The Local Committee agreed:


i)          To note the Annual Report 2012/13 covering Woking, attached as Annex A.

ii)         The7.5 tonne weight limit  (except for access) for Arnold Road and Eve Road Sheerwater, attached as Annex B

iii)         The intention of the County Council to make an Order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose a 7.5 tonne weight limit (except for access) for Arnold Road and Eve Road Sheerwater, including the advertisement of all legal notices and traffic orders.

iv)        That if objections are received to advertisement of the legal notices and traffic orders, the Area Team Manager is authorised to try and resolve them in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman, Divisional Member and Project Manager, and decide whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the order should be made, with or without modification.

v)         The dropped kerb option for junction treatments on the A245 Parvis Road West Byfleet.


vi)        To note the Travel SMART 2013/14 programme for bus priority and corridor improvements,  walking and cycling and the Sheerwater Link Road, including the updated Oyster Lane scheme (Annexes D1 and D2)

vii)       The Travel Planning and promotion element for 2013/14, excluding the Way Finder Mapping scheme, attached as Annex E.




The Local Committee are asked to note the Annual Report for the Local Sustainable Transport Fund, which is in the process of being developed for submission to the DfT by 19 July 2013.


The Local Committee are asked to agree to the proposed 7.5 tonne weight limit (except for access) covering Arnold Road and Eve Road, to deter heavy goods vehicles using these roads, when there is the Sheerwater Link Road which is a suitable alternative. Recommendation iv was amended slightly to reflect the officer delegation within the County Council’s Constitution.


The Local Committee is asked to agree to the dropped kerb option for the A245 Parvis Road junctions, as the benefits in spending an additional £40,000 is considered low for both pedestrians and cyclists, and this funding could be utilised on higher benefit options that are currently being considered.


The Local Committee is asked to note the progress on bus priority and corridor improvements, walking and cycling improvements and the Sheerwater Link Road within the 2013/14 Travel SMART programme.


The Local Committee is asked to agree to the proposals for the information, travel planning and promotion element of the Travel SMART programme for 2013/14 to enable delivery to be made, excluding the Way finder mapping that will be reported to this committee in September 2013.


Paul Fishwick introduced the report and explained there was a slight alteration to recommendation (iv) to bring it into line with the County Council’s constitution. The report set out the annual report from 2012/13 and an update on the programme for 2013/14, including relevant decisions required.


Member discussion:

During Member discussion the following issues were noted:

·         The Brompton bikes in Guildford have recently been relaunched at the front of the station.  It is hoped that they can be launched in Woking in the summer.

·         The cycle hub in Woking will be on the south side of the station and include a covered area with media screens for train and bus times etc.

·         All schools in the borough will be sent information of the cycle improvement fund.

·         An officer will be working in Elmbridge to identify potential cycle routes.  These could extend the cycle routes from Byfleet into Weybridge.



The Local Committee agreed:


i)          To note the Annual Report 2012/13 covering Woking, attached as Annex A.

ii)         The7.5 tonne weight limit  (except for access) for Arnold Road and Eve Road Sheerwater, attached as Annex B

iii)         The intention of the County Council to make an Order under the relevant parts of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 to impose a 7.5 tonne weight limit (except for access) for Arnold Road and Eve Road Sheerwater, including the advertisement of all legal notices and traffic orders.

iv)        That if objections are received to advertisement of the legal notices and traffic orders, the Area Team Manager is authorised to try and resolve them in consultation with the Chairman/Vice Chairman, Divisional Member and Project Manager, and decide whether or not they should be acceded to and therefore whether the order should be made, with or without modification.

v)         The dropped kerb option for junction treatments on the A245 Parvis Road West Byfleet.

vi)        To note the Travel SMART 2013/14 programme for bus priority and corridor improvements,  walking and cycling and the Sheerwater Link Road, including the updated Oyster Lane scheme (Annexes D1 and D2)

vii)       The Travel Planning and promotion element for 2013/14, excluding the Way Finder Mapping scheme, attached as Annex E.



Supporting documents: