Agenda item


It is the Council’s responsibility to approve changes to the Council’s Constitution. This includes the Scheme of Delegation regarding non-executive functions, while amendments to executive functions are the responsibility of the Leader and are brought to County Council to note.


This report sets out proposed changes to the Constitution’s Standing Orders and also includes executive and non-executive functions set out in the Scheme of Delegation and these are brought to Council for information and formal approval.





The Leader introduced the report and highlighted the three main areas of change. Firstly, regarding the highways functions of the Local and Joint Committees and due to the changes to the Local and Joint Committees, the Officer Scheme of Delegation had been updated and approved, as a result the Council was asked to note the consequential amendments to the Constitution. He explained that the intention was to give six months’ notice to the Local and Joint Committees. Secondly, regarding the Members’ Allowances Scheme the changes reflect the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel previously approved by Council. Thirdly, regarding digital sealing the changes permit the electronic sealing of documents.

A Member referred to the Local and Joint Committees noting that residents were deeply disappointed about the changes and withdrawal of the highways responsibilities, it was difficult to understand what was happening and the changes were seen as a backward step.


RESOLVED: (with one Member voting Against)


1.    That the executive function changes to the Officer Scheme of Delegation in relation to highways functions approved by the Leader in March 2022 be noted (Annex 1).

2.    It is recommended that the consequential amendments to the Terms of Reference for Local and Joint Committees as set out in Section 2 –Responsibility of Function and Scheme of Delegation be noted (Annex 2).

3.    That the consequential amendments to the Joint Committee Constitutions

for Guildford, Runnymede, Spelthorne and Woking Joint Committees be

noted (Annexes 3-6).

4.    That the Members Allowances Scheme be approved (Annex 7).

5.    That the changes to the Council’s Constitution in relation to digital sealing

be approved (as set out in paragraph 18).


Supporting documents: