Agenda item


To give the Audit & Governance Committee an overview of the Council’s complaint handling performance in 2021/22 and to demonstrate how feedback from customers has been used to improve services.



Sarah Bogunovic, Head of Customer Strategy

Jo Lang, Head of Customer Engagement


Key points raised during the discussion:

1.    The Head of Customer Strategy presented the annual performance report for the Council's complaint procedure. It was agreed at a previous committee meeting to bring forward the annual report in the committee cycle so there was less of a time gap, but this would be followed up with a separate benchmarking report at the mid-year.  The submitted report was a high-level report looking at the top line figures in terms of contacts from residents. She reminded Members of the different complaints procedures available and that the ombudsman was the last stage of each procedure. She highlighted the increase in numbers going through the formal complaints process for adult social care and children’s education and that there was a decrease for all other areas.  The escalation rate was higher than would be liked.


2.    In response to Member questions Head of Customer Strategy reported that:

·         It was recognised that the system of communicating with residents was complicated and in order to simplify that there was, over the next 12 to 24 months, a big systems project being undertaken that would allow link up to say social media: it will make it easier for residents to have their voice heard and for the council to capture it. With regards to mystery shopping this was something that could be revisited in the future.

·         She would ask the complaints teams for their input into how Members could provide help and value


3.    In response to Member questions around children and education, the Head of Customer Engagement reported that:

·         Future reports would contain information about the complaints that were not settled within the timescale.  It was explained that children’s and education could be very complex cases and may only miss the deadline by a few days, but it was accepted that this information would help members consider the performance data.


4.    The Chairman spoke of the high rise in numbers of education and children’s service complaints and the information he receives on ombudsman cases which often result in result of maladministration.  Whilst not underestimating the complexity of some cases he asked what was being done in terms of feeding back the lessons into the organisation?  This level of finding was not sustainable.


5.    The Head of Customer Strategy explained that case reviews and reflective practice with practitioners was undertaken as well as regular reports that go into senior management teams.


6.    The Head of Customer Engagement explained that:


a)    Procedures had been made more accessible which had led to more complaints as well as improving recording

b)    as a result of discussions had with the Children's Education leadership team, a customer engagement review would be undertaken. A steering group would be set up to look at how to improve customer experience, particularly in education because that was the area which has seen the significant rise.

c)    more training was being undertaken directly within operational staff and the team were pushing the early resolution approach.  Training was actively encouraged for new staff because there has been a significant staff turnover in education and in children's alongside that. Directors were engaged with the mandatory customer relations training.  The assistant directors had got a real overview of what the learning was from those complaints.

d)    She was confident that structures were in place so that next year it should be a better picture.


7.    The Chairman recognised that arrangements were being put in place for the initial stages of the process but his concern related to further stages and that learning did not appear to be happening.  The Head of Customer Engagement explained the two-stage process in education and how the second stage was now to be brought in-house. The second stage of the process was being managed by senior leaders within the services. It was hoped that this should prevent some escalation to the ombudsman and some real learning take place.


8.    The Head of Customer Strategy also stated that it was a legal right that people could go to the Ombudsman. Even if the council had upheld the complaint, they could still go to the Ombudsman for the Ombudsman to uphold the complaint/decision.


9.    The Chairman recognised that whilst there had been an emphasis on the negative aspects of the report that there was a lot of good work undertaken.


Action/Further information to note:




That the report be noted and to continue to monitor the situation.


Supporting documents: