Agenda item



In March 2020, the then Community Safety Board merged with the Health and Wellbeing Board. The overriding aim of the merger was to create a whole systems approach and develop a sense of shared priorities through collaborative working. Following a detailed evaluation report and analysis of the feedback from the Community Safety Assembly, the Health and Wellbeing Board is being asked for agreement to explore some initial areas of focus.







Lisa Townsend - Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner

Sarah Haywood - Partnership and Community Safety Lead, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey

Rachel Crossley - Joint Executive Director - Public Service Reform, Surrey Heartlands ICS and Surrey County Council


Key points raised in the discussion:


1.    The PCC noted that:

·         The Community Safety Assembly (CSA) had its first meeting in May and she thanked all those who attended, there was a provisional date in November for the next meeting.

·         The issues that had been discussed in earlier items touch on policing as often people and those in our most vulnerable categories come into contact with policing in a non-crime context; she was grateful for the work of the Board and interest in this area.

·         Following the first meeting of the CSA an Evaluation Report was produced - Annex 1 - which includes recognisable themes and the Board is asked to agree to explore some of the initial areas of focus in order to deliver change such as around information sharing, knowledge, collaboration, leadership/strategic prioritisation and unseen communities.

·         The CSA wished to continue to give updates to the Board on the thematic areas, particularly around domestic abuse, serious violence and fraud, in order to start to consider what actions could be taken to help the vulnerable.

2.    The Partnership and Community Safety Lead (OPCC) noted that work was underway and links were being made and opportunities shared, she welcomed the collaboration with the Priority Three Sponsor and inclusion on the Prevention and Wider Determinants Board; noting a recent meeting on how to share information on the policing and community safety side with frontline professionals and what they are looking out for when they go into someone's home such as spotting the signs of exploitation and fraud. The next steps and recommendations were about working collaboratively to remove the blockages around the themes identified.

3.    The Joint Executive Director - Public Service Reform (Surrey Heartlands ICS and SCC) linked in the information sharing theme with the Surrey-wide Data Strategy, the Chief Constable of Surrey Police chaired the steering group ensuring a broader view outside of health and social care. Whilst reports would continue to be brought to the Board, the steering group was having discussions about how to bring more partners in whilst being mindful about the ethical issues.

4.    The Chairman noted the prominence of mental health concerning the Evaluation Report and that the Board would consider collectively how to drive forward community engagement via a future Board report on the Community Safety Agreement Implementation Plans.




Following a detailed evaluation report and analysis of the feedback from the Community Safety Assembly, the Health and Wellbeing Board provided agreement to explore some initial areas of focus:


·         Explore the information sharing culture in Surrey and seek to promote a clear set of principles.

·         Develop the Healthy Surrey website further as a portal for professionals to access resources in supporting individuals and communities.

·         Increase the representation at the Health and Wellbeing Communications Group to include more community safety members to ensure campaigns and key messages are programmed in and are distributed across the systems.

·         Work with the priority populations including the Key Neighbourhoods to ensure community safety partners are well represented and there is a broader understanding of available interventions.


Actions/further information to be provided:


1.    The Board will receive a future report on the Community Safety Agreement Implementation Plans and will consider collectively how to drive forward community engagement.



Supporting documents: