Sinead Mooney, Cabinet Member for Children and
Clare Curran, Cabinet Member for Education and
Matt Ansell, Director – Safeguarding and Family
Key points
raised in the discussion:
- The Chairman asked
about the support in place for female employees, as they made up
86% of the workforce. The Cabinet Member for Children and Families
explained that she would provide a written response to this, as it
required a broader discussion with partners in health and ASC. The
Cabinet Member for Education Learning noted that it was also
important to support men who may not feel represented in the
workforce and questioned whether the proportion of women was also
reflected in leadership roles.
- In response to
questions on social workers leaving with less than two years service and responses in exit interviews, the
Director explained that it was a national trend for social workers
to move on around after a year to two years. The Council supported
an assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE) two-year
programme for newly qualified social workers. The Council had been
involved in working with the Department for Education (DfE) on
developing the early career framework, especially for social
workers. The exit interview process had been refined to gain the
granular detail for why people were leaving. The Member asked
whether people were leaving the profession or pursuing it
elsewhere. The Director confirmed that people were usually leaving
the profession. The makeup of the social work workforce had
changed, as the entry requirements were different.
- A Member questioned
whether the workload was manageable and asked whether the high cost
of living in Surrey was a deterrent to employment stability. The
Director explained that caseloads fluctuated and currently some
social workers had higher caseloads than they would want. The early
intervention work was trying to reduce the casework coming from
children of certain cohorts, as the balance of children contributed
to the workload as well as the numbers of children. The Cabinet
Member for Children and Families added that affordability of
housing was a significant issue, and the Council was looking into
the possibility of key worker housing and/or housing with care and
- Responding to a
question on the day-to-day pressures for social workers, the
Director explained that there had been difficulties in recruiting
agency staff which was impacting on the workload and pressures of
permanent staff. In the longer term, the ambition was to improve
the proportion of agency to permanent staff. There had been
meetings with agency staff to discuss how their package with their
agency compared to the Council’s employment package. The Care
Review suggested considering utilising alternative qualified
professionals alongside social workers.
- A Member enquired
about the timescale to improve the workforce position for social
workers. The Director explained that they were bringing in a higher
number of newly qualified social workers on the ASYE programme.
There was work to improve the Council’s online presence
regarding recruitment of experienced social workers. There had been
discussions about offering work experience to students in their
final year at local universities. By increasing the number of
agency social workers again, then the permanent social workers
would be more likely to stay as well. The Executive Director for
Children, Families and Lifelong Learning sat on the national panel
for recruitment and retention of ASYEs.
- In response to a
question on the pathways into social work, the Director explained
that there were several channels, such as step up to social work
which was a three-year programme, and the Council was taking an
additional cohort in September. The Council had also agreed some
apprenticeships, although these came at a financial cost. There was
a working group looking at the effectiveness of retention bonuses
and exploring other payment options.
Actions/requests for further information:
- The Cabinet Member
for Children and Families to provide a written response regarding
the support provided to female social workers specifically by the
end of November 2022.
- The Director for
Safeguarding and Family Resilience to provide the current average
number of caseloads per social worker by the end of November
That the Service reviews its appointment
procedures for internal candidates, to consider how promotion
opportunities can be enhanced in order to retain staff with
That the Service offers its support in arranging for
CFLLC Select Committee Members to have informal meetings with
social care staff, so that a) the Committee has a better
understanding of their roles and b) social care staff have an
opportunity to talk frankly about their work and what they require
from their managers in order to ease the pressures in the roles
they carry out.
That the Committee agrees to receive updates on
Recommendations 1 and 2 plus a further general update on the
Recruitment, Retention & Culture programme and the development
and implementation of the Children’s Social Care Workforce
Strategy at a meeting in 2023.