This report is the latest step in the Council’s response to the challenges set by Government through the National Bus Strategy (Bus Back Better). This report seeks agreement for the Council to enter into an Enhanced Partnership (EP) with local bus operators in Surrey, which aims to improve bus services for residents.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)
1. That Cabinet agree the Enhanced Partnership Plan for Surrey, inclusive of proposed governance arrangements to start on 3 November 2022.
2. That Cabinet confirm support for the delivery priorities set out in the draft Enhanced Partnership Scheme, which will be formally agreed by the Enhanced Partnership Board for implementation, with progress and performance updates to be presented to the Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Growth, who is also chair of the Enhanced Partnership Governance Board.
3. That Cabinet agree that a public consultation be carried out to obtain the views of residents and stakeholders on the future bus network in Surrey, with the findings and proposed next steps to be presented to a meeting of Cabinet in early 2023.
4. That Cabinet agree that the public consultation material be approved by the Director for Highways and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Growth prior to the consultation launch.
Reasons for Decisions:
The National Bus Strategy aligns with several key themes in our recently adopted Surrey Transport Plan 4, in particular the hierarchy of modes and the ambition to shift journeys from the private car to other more sustainable modes. In our response to Bus Back Better, the Council has consistently highlighted the strong linkages to the aims and ambitions of the Council’s Greener Futures programme and delivery of the Council’s 2030 Community Vision.
With regard to future local bus provision, a public and stakeholder consultation is proposed to help us shape the future bus network and respond to the challenge of new travel patterns and bus use post Covid19. Furthermore, as part of the extension of Government’s Bus Recovery Grant (revenue funding provided to LTAs to support bus services where patronage remains depressed post Covid19), the DfT requires all LTAs to undertake a bus network review. This aims to ensure the local bus network in each LTA is financially sustainable once Government recovery funding ends at the end of the current financial year.
Our proposed approach will meet Government’s timeline of an EP being agreed by the autumn. It will also meet Government’s requirement to assess the financial sustainable of the bus network, which is being support by the proposed public and stakeholder consultation that will help shape the future bus network in Surrey.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)
The Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Growth introduced the report explaining that the report was the latest step in the Council’s response to the challenges set by Government through the National Bus Strategy (Bus Back Better). The report seeks agreement for the Council to enter into an Enhanced Partnership with local bus operators in Surrey, which aims to improve bus services for residents.This report explains how the Enhanced Partnership will work and the responsibilities of the Council as the Local Transport Authority and bus operators as service providers. Establishing an Enhanced Partnership was the next step in the Council’s response to Bus Back Better. The report sought agreement to consult residents and stakeholders on proposals for a future financially sustainable bus network that will be fit for the future and more responsive to transformed travel patterns following the Covid 19 pandemic. The results of the consultation would be reported to Cabinet in early 2023 for consideration.
A Member queried how the public consultation would be taking place and if there were opportunities for face to face engagement. The Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Growth stated that the consultation would run from 3 November to the 6 January. It would be available for residents and stakeholders via online and hard copy surveys. There would be an easy read version of the consultation made available as well as it being provided in Braille or audio or other languages on request. A Member commented on the success of the on demand bus service in Mole Valley. It was commented that on demand bus service would be introduced into Guildford/Waverley next year.
1. That Cabinet agree the Enhanced Partnership Plan for Surrey, inclusive of proposed governance arrangements to start on 3 November 2022.
2. That Cabinet confirm support for the delivery priorities set out in the draft Enhanced Partnership Scheme, which will be formally agreed by the Enhanced Partnership Board for implementation, with progress and performance updates to be presented to the Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Growth, who is also chair of the Enhanced Partnership Governance Board.
3. That Cabinet agree that a public consultation be carried out to obtain the views of residents and stakeholders on the future bus network in Surrey, with the findings and proposed next steps to be presented to a meeting of Cabinet in early 2023.
4. That Cabinet agree that the public consultation material be approved by the Director for Highways and Transport in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Growth prior to the consultation launch.
Reasons for Decisions:
The National Bus Strategy aligns with several key themes in our recently adopted Surrey Transport Plan 4, in particular the hierarchy of modes and the ambition to shift journeys from the private car to other more sustainable modes. In our response to Bus Back Better, the Council has consistently highlighted the strong linkages to the aims and ambitions of the Council’s Greener Futures programme and delivery of the Council’s 2030 Community Vision.
With regard to future local bus provision, a public and stakeholder consultation is proposed to help us shape the future bus network and respond to the challenge of new travel patterns and bus use post Covid19. Furthermore, as part of the extension of Government’s Bus Recovery Grant (revenue funding provided to LTAs to support bus services where patronage remains depressed post Covid19), the DfT requires all LTAs to undertake a bus network review. This aims to ensure the local bus network in each LTA is financially sustainable once Government recovery funding ends at the end of the current financial year.
Our proposed approach will meet Government’s timeline of an EP being agreed by the autumn. It will also meet Government’s requirement to assess the financial sustainable of the bus network, which is being support by the proposed public and stakeholder consultation that will help shape the future bus network in Surrey.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee)
Supporting documents: