James Taylor, Strategic Manager
– Basingstoke Canal
points raised during the discussion:
- Officers introduced the report and
highlighted that the Risk Register was considered by the JMC
annually at each November meeting. Members noted:
That three risks had got worse or had become more likely in the
past 12 months
That the risk associated with culvert inspections (BCA53) was now a
red risk and that the cost of the inspection was three times higher
compared to 10 years ago.
That a risk associated with the recruitment and retention of staff
had declined.
That the risk associated with earthworks remained a red risk.
That a key area of risk which had increased was surrounding
Reservoir Safety due to increased standards by the Environmental
Two risks related to staff had moved in the right direction.
- The Chairman highlighted that the
highest risk related to funding.
- A Member of the JMC highlighted an
issue related to bridges. The Strategic Manager informed Members
that the majority of bridges were not managed by the County
Councils as part of the Canal and therefore issues related to
bridges were not included within the Risk Register. The Strategic
Manager however highlighted that there was a duty of care under the
Occupiers’ Liability Act to the public using the Canal.
- In regard to Risk BCA 54, a Member
stated that COVID-19 was a declining risk and therefore should be
reduced within the Risk Register. The Strategic Manager stated that
the risk had declined due to the vaccination programme, increased
number of staff, and reduced legal restrictions.
- A representative from Rushmoor
Borough Council stated that they needed to cut funding to the
Basingstoke Canal for 2023/24 due to the need to create a balanced
budget. The Member state that they did not intend for the funding
to be cut permanently. The following comments were made:
- The Chairman noted that, under the
Memorandum of Agreement, a year’s notice was required to
amend agreed funding allocations. Following discussion, it was
noted that a letter was sent to the wrong addressee and therefore
was not sent to the Canal Authority to provide notification of the
- The Chairman asked that a letter be
sent to the Leader of Rushmoor Borough Council to highlight the
year’s notice requirement, to confirm that no letter of
notification had been received, and to ask the Leader to reconsider
the decision to withdraw funding.
- A Member suggested that a letter be
sent to all chief executive officers of council’s that
provide funding to the Canal to remind of the requirement to
provide a year’s notice.
- A Member suggested that
council’s have their voting rights removed from the
Basingstoke Canal Joint Management Committee in the event of
funding withdrawal.
- The representative from Rushmoor
Borough Council stated that he would bring back comments to his
council’s leadership.
- An officer highlighted the
responsibility for council’s to provide open spaces to local
residents. In response, the representative from Rushmoor Borough
Council provide detail on the open spaces already provided by the
- The Chairman suggested that a
face-to-face meeting be organised with the relevant executive
Member, Leader and lead officer at Rushmore Borough Council. This
suggestion was later superseded by A6/22 within Minute 1922.
- A Member urged Rushmoor Borough
Council to reconsider their decision.
- A Member suggested that boating
charges were increased in areas of reduced funding by councils.
Following discussion, another Member suggested the introduction of
carparking charges in areas of reduced funding by councils.
- The representative from Rushmoor
Borough Council said that there was a possibility of providing
reduced funding instead of cutting funding altogether. The
representative reiterated the need to produce a balanced budget at
Rushmoor Borough Council.
Actions/ further information to be provided:
That a letter be sent to the
Leader of Rushmoor Borough Council to highlight the year’s
notice requirement, to confirm that no letter of notification had
been received, and to ask the Leader to reconsider the decision to
withdraw funding.
The JMC noted the annual
revision to the Risk Register.