Agenda item


To consider the report for 2022/2023 – Q2.



Paul Mudd, XPS



Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The representative from XPS introduced the item and provided a summary of its content. The following details were noted:

a.    That following discussions with XPS’s existing supplier, they had decided to retain their services and would be able to commence the mortality and address cleanse towards the end of October following the payroll cycle.

b.    Provided an update on conditional data testing, scheme returns and the annual benefit statements and pension savings statements as outlined in the report. In regard to Scheme Returns, the Scheme Manager confirmed that they had received a draft version and had provided feedback. The Chairman requested that the document be circulated to the Board for information.

c.     Noted the information which needed to be sent to the National Fraud Initiative by mid-November 2022.

d.    Provided detail on Member Self-Service and explained that XPS sought to record a demonstration of the Member Self-Service to help members of the scheme navigate the system and find the information they need.

e.    Noted that the Contact Centre had been live for five weeks.

f.      That the common data was mostly unchanged however it was expected to see a change in the address data as mortality screening progressed.

g.    In regard to membership, Members noted an increase in active members.

h.    Stated that XPS expected the number to completed cases to increase as work progressed.

i.      In regard to completed cases, the Chairman highlighted that the overall number of cases was relativity low and therefore each case update had an obvious impact on the percentage of completed cases.

j.      Provided an overview of the task analysis as noted in the report. The Chairman requested that the previous quarter’s task analysis was included in future reports.

2.    In regard to the Annual Benefit Statement, a substitute member present at the meeting stated that they were able to find the percentage of annual allowance used in the scheme year but was unable to find the percentage of lifetime allowance. The representative from XPS said that he would speak to his team about whether it could be included going forward and that the Annual Benefit Statement template was due for review. The Chairman said that he agreed it would be helpful to have the percentage included.

3.    A substitute member present at the meeting highlighted an issue related to a payment made to employees in lieu of overtime and that it was later determined that holiday pay was due so the payment was treated as pensionable when it should not have been. The Scheme Manager stated that communication had been circulated on the matter and that the issue should be rectified by the end of the month. It was further noted that the error was because the administration was treated the same as the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) however business services were informed of the error and it should not happen again.

4.    A Member of the Board said that he was aware of issues raised by members of the scheme that had not received a responses by XPS, and asked whether those issues could be raised a the board meeting. The Scheme Manager said that the first point of contact for issues should be the Surrey Penson Team.

5.    A Member asked for detail on the parameters for a complaint to be considered a ‘formal complaint’ as he was aware of three complaints made that had not been reported within the report being considered. The Member further stated that they were unable to locate a complaints procedure on the website. The representative from XPS said that the complaints procedure was available on the ‘contact’ area of the website and that XPS sought to resolve complaints within 10 working days. The representative agreed to send a link to the procedure outside the meeting The Chairman requested that the member of the Board and the representative from XPS provide an update at the next meeting on whether the complaints had been resolved, and for the representative from XPS to provide more information on the complaint process and the reasons why the three complaints were not recorded as formal complaints. Following further discussion, the representative stated that they would ensure that a ‘complaint’ section on the drop-down list within the ‘Contact’ webpage was available to select if needed.

6.    The Scheme Manager asked that the pension reform email address was copied into any complaints sent to XPS.


Actions / Further information to be provided:


AX/XX - That the draft Scheme Return document be circulated to the Board for information


AX/XX - Glyn Parry-Jones and the representative from XPS to provide an update at the February 2023 meeting on whether the complaints had been resolved, and for the representative from XPS to provide more information on the complaint process and the reasons why the three complaints noted were not recorded as formal complaints.  




The board noted the report.

Supporting documents: