This report provides more in-depth information surrounding the governance and process for decision making for Highway budgets in the Capital Maintenance Programme (Horizon) and Integrated Transport Schemes (ITS).
Richard Bolton, Assistant Director – Highways Operations & Infrastructure
Amanda Richards, Assistant Director – Highways - Network & Asset Management
Paul Millin, Assistant Director – Strategic Transport
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Assistant Director – Highways Operations & Infrastructure introduced the submitted report to provide more in-depth information surrounding the governance and process for decision making for Highway budgets in the Capital Maintenance Programme (Horizon) and Integrated Transport Schemes (ITS). He also detailed the flowcharts and information contained within the annexes to that report.
2. A Member asked about divisional Members getting information on defects within their divisions especially how and when these would be rectified. This information was not available to Members online and asked if the proposed new IT system would provide this. The Assistant Director – Highways - Network & Asset Management explained that currently, information was dealt with on a borough/district level but hoped that the new system could give more information on a divisional level. Members could also login to the “report it” page to find logged information on defects logged and fixed.
3. A Member asked for officers to review the current weekly communication to Members. It was not very helpful to use with residents as it just created more questions. She offered to speak with officers outside of the meeting regarding her views on this.
4. An issue was raised regarding Project Horizon and used an example to show that some items may be on the list for many years with no timelines and no indication of whether it will ever be done. Other Members confirmed that they too had issues with this. The Assistant Director – Highways - Network & Asset Management explained the process around Project Horizon and stated that if something was on the public map then it should be done within the next five years. It was recognised that communications are needed to improve understanding for residents.
5. A Member asked for information on quality audits of work undertaken and whether the new policy on the prioritisation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) bids had been agreed and how Members could feed into that. The Assistant Director – Highways - Network & Asset Management explained that the Council had a highway laboratory and post work had a snagging process that the council undertook with contractors. New treatment processes could be audited over a five year period to check the suitability of treatments over time. It was further explained that all jobs are snagged and on average 10% of jobs would be audited by the laboratory and any problems identified would be addressed with the contractor. The Assistant Director – Highways Operations & Infrastructure assured the Member that he would have a more appropriate officer contact him regarding his questions around CIL.
6. There was some discussion around utility repairs and that utility companies should be held more accountable for the work they do. It was recognised that legislation was probably not strong enough. The Assistant Director – Highways - Network & Asset Management explained that utilities could make a temporary repair for up to six months and then after that must replace like for like. She urged members to report where temporary fixes had not been replaced after six months.
7. A Member asked for future reports to show data points that show progress, completion, inspection and other things that need to happen before something is signed off. The Assistant Director – Highways Operations & Infrastructure would take that suggestion away to look at.
Action/Further information to note:
Supporting documents: