Agenda item





1.    That Cabinet endorse the long-term strategic ambition for SCC that every looked after child has a choice to remain in Surrey, where this is appropriate to their needs – as previously endorsed by the Surrey Corporate Parenting Board.

2.    In support of the above ambition and delivery of SCC’s Looked After Children and Care Leaver Sufficiency Strategy 2020-25: 

a.    That Cabinet endorse an overall plan to create up to 30 additional beds in Children’s Homes across a number of sites in Surrey (noting this may be revised by decision of the Executive Director for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families), with care to be delivered either directly by SCC in-house and/or in partnership with trusted external providers

b.    That Cabinet approve the allocation of up to £18 million capital funding towards the creation of up to 24 of these beds in new Children’s Homes, reallocated from £30 million previously allocated for the delivery of 150 beds of Care Leaver Accommodation by Cabinet on 23 February 2021.

                      i.        That Cabinet approve the allocation of £3.5 million from this £18 million to provide a second children’s home in the Woking area (as detailed in this report). This will deliver not only a much-needed increase in local capacity, but also provide decant for residents of another SCC children’s home (SC040633), so that essential improvement works can be undertaken to secure the home’s long-term future for Surrey’s looked after children.

c.     In addition, Cabinet approve allocation of up to £5 million from the overall £30 million for additional costs associated with five capital projects that are already in development in Surrey (as set out in the main body of the report).

d.    That Cabinet note that a bid has been submitted to DfE for £839k funding to support a further Surrey children’s home which is in the early stages of development.

e.    That Cabinet confirm that (in line with the recommendation previously agreed by Cabinet on 23 February 2021) the Executive Director – Children, Young People and Families is given delegated authority to approve individual schemes within overall budget constraints in consultation with:

·         Cabinet Member for Children and Families 

·         Cabinet Member for Education and Learning 

·         Deputy Chief Executive

·         Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources 


In addition, all specific proposals will be reviewed by Corporate Programme Panel.





Reasons for Decisions:


SCC, as corporate parent, is committed to enabling the best possible outcomes for Surrey’s looked after children, within the resources it has available. Alongside this moral imperative, we also have a clear statutory duty to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that there is sufficient accommodation for looked after children that meets their needs and is within their local authority (LA) area (Children Act 1989, Section 22G). Whilst SCC is already taking concrete steps to deliver this duty and enable positive outcomes, these proposals are an important part of how we plan to take forward the delivery of our statutory Looked After Children and Care Leaver Sufficiency Strategy 2020-25, which includes the ambition to create Surrey homes for Surrey Children.

These proposals also have wider benefits in support of Surrey’s four Organisation Strategy priorities, as set out above: growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit; tackling health inequality; enabling a greener future; and empowering communities.

(The decisions on this item can be called- in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)



The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Children and Families who explained that Cabinet was being asked to endorse a long-term strategic aim for the

Council, that every looked after child has a choice to remain in Surrey, where this is appropriate to their needs. As part of the proposals £18m capital funding would be used to grow the capacity of children’s homes in Surrey, enabling more looked after children to live closer to the communities they are from.This directly supports the priorities and ambitions set out in the Council’s Looked After Children and Care Leaver Sufficiency Strategy 2020- 2025, including creating Surrey homes for Surrey children. It was explained that £3.5m from capital funding would be used to provide a second children’s home in the Woking area and the council had been successful in its bid to secure match funding from the Department of Education to support the development of a children's home in Surrey. The Deputy Cabinet Member for

Children and Families commented that Surrey had significantly few children homes compared to comparator local authorities.




1.    That Cabinet endorse the long-term strategic ambition for SCC that every looked after child has a choice to remain in Surrey, where this is appropriate to their needs – as previously endorsed by the Surrey Corporate Parenting Board.

2.    In support of the above ambition and delivery of SCC’s Looked After Children and Care Leaver Sufficiency Strategy 2020-25: 

a.    That Cabinet endorse an overall plan to create up to 30 additional beds in Children’s Homes across a number of sites in Surrey (noting this may be revised by decision of the Executive Director for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children, Young People and Families), with care to be delivered either directly by SCC in-house and/or in partnership with trusted external providers

b.    That Cabinet approve the allocation of up to £18 million capital funding towards the creation of up to 24 of these beds in new Children’s Homes, reallocated from £30 million previously allocated for the delivery of 150 beds of Care Leaver Accommodation by Cabinet on 23 February 2021.

                      i.        That Cabinet approve the allocation of £3.5 million from this £18 million to provide a second children’s home in the Woking area (as detailed in this report). This will deliver not only a much-needed increase in local capacity, but also provide decant for residents of another SCC children’s home (SC040633), so that essential improvement works can be undertaken to secure the home’s long-term future for Surrey’s looked after children.

c.     In addition, Cabinet approve allocation of up to £5 million from the overall £30 million for additional costs associated with five capital projects that are already in development in Surrey (as set out in the main body of the report).

d.    That Cabinet note that a bid has been submitted to DfE for £839k funding to support a further Surrey children’s home which is in the early stages of development.

e.    That Cabinet confirm that (in line with the recommendation previously agreed by Cabinet on 23 February 2021) the Executive Director – Children, Young People and Families is given delegated authority to approve individual schemes within overall budget constraints in consultation with:

·         Cabinet Member for Children and Families 

·         Cabinet Member for Education and Learning 

·         Deputy Chief Executive

·         Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources 


In addition, all specific proposals will be reviewed by Corporate Programme Panel.





Reasons for Decisions:


SCC, as corporate parent, is committed to enabling the best possible outcomes for Surrey’s looked after children, within the resources it has available. Alongside this moral imperative, we also have a clear statutory duty to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, that there is sufficient accommodation for looked after children that meets their needs and is within their local authority (LA) area (Children Act 1989, Section 22G). Whilst SCC is already taking concrete steps to deliver this duty and enable positive outcomes, these proposals are an important part of how we plan to take forward the delivery of our statutory Looked After Children and Care Leaver Sufficiency Strategy 2020-25, which includes the ambition to create Surrey homes for Surrey Children.

These proposals also have wider benefits in support of Surrey’s four Organisation Strategy priorities, as set out above: growing a sustainable economy so everyone can benefit; tackling health inequality; enabling a greener future; and empowering communities.

(The decisions on this item can be called- in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)


Supporting documents: