The Police and Crime Panel is required to consider and formally respond to the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Proposed Precept for 2023/24. The purpose of this item is to allow the Commissioner to outline her proposals in more detail and answer any questions that Panel Members might have.
Following consideration of the Commissioner’s proposed precept, the
Panel must either:
a) agree the precept without qualification or comment;
b) support the precept and make comments or recommendations concerning the application of the revenues generated; or
c) veto the proposed precept.
In accordance with the Police and Crime Panels (Precepts and Chief Constable Appointments) Regulations 2012:
(a) The Commissioner must notify the Panel of her proposed precept by 1 February 2023;
(b) The Panel must review and make a report to the Commissioner on the proposed precept (whether it vetoes the precept or not) by 8 February 2023;
(c) If the Panel vetoes the precept, the Commissioner must have regard to and respond to the Panel’s report, and publish her response, including the revised precept, by 15 February 2023;
(d) The Panel, on receipt of a response from the Commissioner notifying it of her revised precept, must review the revised precept and make a second report to the Commissioner by 22 February 2023
(there is no second right of veto);
(e) The Commissioner must have regard to and respond to the Panel’s second report and publish her response by 1 March 2023.
Lisa Townsend, Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner
Kelvin Menon, Chief Finance Officer (OPCC)
Key points raised in the discussion:
The Surrey Police and Crime Panel recommends that –
Actions/requests for further information:
Supporting documents: