Use of land for the importation of Construction, Demolition and Excavation (C, D & E) Waste and the siting and use of a mobile screener and a crusher to enable the recovery of soils to assist with on-site restoration and the production of recycled aggregates for sale and export.
The Chairman agreed that the committee would consider Item 8 and Item 9 together as the proposals were within the same site.
Katie Rayner (Principal Planning Officer)
Samantha Murphy (Planning Development Team Leader)
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. The Chairman introduced Item 8 and Item 9 and noted that update sheets had been published on 28 March 2023.
2. The Principal Planning Officer further introduced Item 8 and provided Members with a brief overview of the proposal which was for the use of land for the importation of Construction, Demolition and Excavation (C, D & E) Waste and the siting and use of a mobile screener and a crusher to enable the recovery of soils to assist with on-site restoration and the production of recycled aggregates for sale and export. Full details of the proposal, including photographs and plans presented to Members, could be found from page 123 of the agenda. Further to this, the Principal Planning Officer introduced Item 9 and provided Members with a brief overview of the proposal which was for the extraction and screening of sand from Mercers South Quarry with progressive restoration to agriculture using inert waste materials, together with associated infrastructure, on a site of 52.2ha and the temporary diversion of public footpath 173 for the duration of the operations without compliance with Conditions 1, 9 and 24 of planning permission Ref: TA/2019/2147 dated 10 September 2020 to allow for the revision to Phase 1 of the phased restoration of the site and the relocation of the wheel wash facility. Full details of the proposal, Including photographs and plans presented to Members, could be found from page 207 of the agenda.
3. A Member of the Committee thanked officers for their detailed report and said that they were relieved to note that Condition 7 addressed the percentage of material that could be transferred from the site. The Member further asked whether officers had considered the creation of a Community Liaison Group (CLG) to address some of the issues raised by local residents including how to improve biodiversity associated with restoration, communication on the timelines on restoration, and issues related to Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs). A Member of the Committee added that the creation of a CLG could aid discussions to address issues related to biodiversity. In response, the Principal Planning Officer informed Members that the applicant had made clear that a CLG was not needed for the site as they had a good relationship with the local community which included the circulation of regular newsletter updates and having an ‘open door’ policy for residents to ask questions.
4. A Member said that they considered the site to be one of the cleanest and most efficient sites they had ever visited. Another Member added that they were also impressed with the site and were particularly impressed that water from the site was being diverted into local brook waterways.
5. Officers highlighted that the application was not making changes to the Final Restoration Scheme. Further to this, measures were in place, as part of the progressive restoration of the site, to ensure the site continued to deliver biodiversity benefits throughout the progression of the restoration.
6. The Chairman moved a vote on the officer recommendation for Item 8 which was unanimously agreed by the committee.
7. The Chairman moved a vote on the officer recommendation for Item 9 which was unanimously agreed by the committee.
Actions / further information to be provided:
The Committee agreed to PERMIT application TA/2022/1155 subject to the conditions.
Supporting documents: