Agenda item


The Leader of the Council or the appropriate Member of the Cabinet or the Chairman of a Committee to answer any questions on any matter relating to the powers and duties of the County Council, or which affects the county.


(Note:  Notice of questions in respect of the above item on the agenda must be given in writing, preferably by e-mail, to Anne Gowing in Democratic Services by 12 noon on Wednesday 10 July 2013).



Notice of 20 questions had been received. The questions and replies are attached as Appendix B.


A number of supplementary questions were asked and a summary of the main points is set out below.


(Q1) Mr Taylor referred to the recently opened micro-library in Shere (in his division) and asked the Cabinet Member for Community Services to provide an update on any further micro-libraries. The Cabinet Member said that the service was looking for other opportunities and invited Members’ suggestions for suitable locations for more micro-libraries.


(Q2) Mrs White made reference to the vacancy rate given in response to question 15 which she considered would impact on providing information to ‘self-funders’. The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care referred to the various ways that information was provided and highlighted the user hubs. He also said that a particular challenge was to reach people who did not approach Adult Social Care to ensure that they had the necessary information to meet their needs.


(Q5) Mr Kington considered that it was important to have a debate when electing a new Council Leader, particularly when the Authority was dominated by one party. The Leader of the Council said that there had not been any nominations for this position from any of the opposition groups and that the rules and regulations as laid down in Standing Orders had been followed.


(Q6) Mrs Coleman asked the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care to provide hearing loops in all Surrey County Council buildings and also to widely publish a phone number that could be used, by the hard of hearing, for texting. The Cabinet Member noted her request and agreed to report back to her in due course.


(Q8) Mrs White asked whether the views of People, Performance & Development Committee (PPDC) would be presented to a future County Council meeting. The Leader of the Council referred to the tabled response and said that there was currently no reason to bring the decision made at PPDC relating to chief officers pay to County Council.


(Q9) Mr Forster asked the Leader of the Council to go further and block other inappropriate payday lender websites from Surrey County Council networks. The Leader noted this request and said that he would refer it to the IMT service for consideration.


(Q10) Mr Hall said that only 10% of Surrey residents read local newspapers and asked the Cabinet Member for Business Services if there was a more effective and cost effective way to advertise Public Notices. The Cabinet Member advised him that there were some proposed changes but it would require Government legislation to alter the current arrangements.


(Q11) Mr Robert Evans referred to Surrey County Council’s job vacancy website, which currently had several jobs advised at less than £8 per hour. He asked the Deputy Leader for his views and was advised that he would be willing to discuss this with him outside the meeting.


(Q12) Mr Hickman objected to the stickers on the green Broadband cabinets and said that it was similar to flyposting and should not be encouraged. The Deputy Leader disagreed – he considered that it was a good way of communicating the service to residents. However, he would check if they required planning permission.


(Q13) Mrs Lallement asked the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning about the purpose of the current school place planning process which she considered did not give sufficient time for objections to be properly considered. The Cabinet Member said that the Authority undertook a huge amount of forecasting. However, it was not a precise science and applications were still being received for school places, which made predictions difficult. She also said that this year the council was providing 3000 additional places.


(Q14) Mr Harrison requested that the Cabinet Member continued to keep Members informed of any developments of the Better Services, Better Value programme. In the absence of the Cabinet Member for Public Health and Health and Wellbeing, the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care agreed to this request.


(Q15) Mrs White referred to the budget difficulties of Adult Social Care in the last financial year and asked the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care whether the service would be using the large number for unfilled vacancies as one option to reduce any possible budget overspend. The Cabinet Member confirmed that this was not the case and that the service did not have a policy to keep vacancies unfilled to fulfil budget requirements.


(Q16) Mrs Watson asked the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning what action would be taken if there was a shortfall between provision and demand for the free school meals for 2 year olds in September. As the figures currently available were only an indication, it was difficult for the Cabinet Member to comment.


(Q17) Mr Harrison considered that the fitting of sprinklers in Anchor and Care UK Homes should be progressed as soon as possible. The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care agreed and said that he would monitor the progress and would encourage care providers to install fire sprinklers.


(Q18)  Mrs Watson asked the Leader to confirm whether the Cabinet Associate posts would receive a Special Responsibility Allowance. The Leader said that the Independent Remuneration Panel had not yet completed their work and therefore he was unable to comment.


(Q20) Mrs Watson requested that the guidance was made available to all Members and published on the county council website. The Leader of the Council considered that it had all been fully covered in this written response.


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