Lisa Townsend, Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner
Damian Markland, Head of Performance and Governance
Key points
raised during the discussion:
Figures on staffing were tabled at the meeting and
are appended to these minutes.
- A Member highlighted
the current low conviction rates for domestic violence against
women and children and asked how the PCC would hold the Chief
Constable to account. The PCC said that the new Chief
Constable’s background in this area provided confidence to
her, and things should improve however she also referenced
challenges in the criminal justice system such as court delays
which did not help. That said the PCC reminded members that they
must be mindful of the language used in this area to ensure that
victims remain confident in coming forward with allegations to the
- The Panel requested
further information on the survey on misogyny within the Force. The
PCC advised that this work had been underway with an external
provider for a year. This would commence with an anonymous survey
for members of Surrey Police followed by a tailored programme based
on the analysis of this feedback. The PCC offered to come back to
the Panel with a further update on this work. The Head of
Performance and Governance added that staff at the OPCC had much
more access to information concerning conduct and vetting processes
within Surrey Police and were actively monitoring this area in
light of national developments.
- A Member followed up
with a question about recruitment safeguards. The PCC explained how
Surrey vets all officers that transfer from one police force to
another rather than relying on what’s been done before and
how it was not unheard of for transfers into Surrey Police to fail
its high bar for vetting.
- A Member asked how
many live cases Surrey Police had of allegations of sexual violence
and/or domestic violence of serving officers within the force and
also the status of carrying out investigation and of those being
investigated, how many were still in an active policing role. The
PCC did not have numbers available so agreed to write to the
- The Panel asked about
staff attrition rates and whether officers from minority groups
were disproportionately leaving the service. The Head of
Performance and Governance advised that this data was collected and
would be provided to the Panel.
- The Panel queried
what constituted “specialist crime”. The PCC gave
examples of the Paedophile Online Investigation Team, work on
serious offences such as child abuse and rape.
- The PCC was asked
about the establishment figures for Police Community Support
Officers. The PCC advised that they were recruiting for these
roles, but it was challenging in Surrey with not only many current
PCSOs becoming Police Officers but also those recruits who may have
become PCSOs in the past now opting to become Police Officers
- A Member queried a
recent quote from the Chief Constable that the new non-degree route
into policing does not lead to a formal qualification; does this
indicate that there are existing officers in Surrey Police who are
not qualified. The PCC clarified that it meant that it does not
lead to a degree qualification, but all officers are required to
complete a formal training program to become fully trained
Action/Further information to be provided:
- OPCC to share the
Surrey response to the national HMIC inspection report on misogyny
in the Police Service.
- OPCC to write to the
Panel on the numbers referenced in paragraph 4 above.
- Breakdown of the
demographics of those leaving the service.
- Clarify establishment
and strength figures