This report sets out the next stage of the modernisation of the Library Estate as part of the Library and Cultural Services Transformation programme. It seeks Cabinet’s approval to release funding from the capital pipeline for investment to support the major transformation of four priority libraries within Phase 1 of the programme: Epsom, Redhill, Staines and Woking.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee)
N.B There is a Part 2 report at Item 16.
1. That Cabinet notes that the first phase of projects is presented as one single business case comprising four library property projects, with detailed information about each individual project provided via annexes, rather than individual detailed business cases per library.
2. That Cabinet Approves capital funding for:
· The refurbishment of Epsom Library
· The refurbishment of Redhill library
· The refurbishment of Woking library
· The relocation and refurbishment of the proposed new Staines Hub
The capital funding required for these projects is commercially sensitive at this time and is set out in the Part 2 report.
3. That Cabinet approves procurement of an appropriate construction contractor partner for the delivery of all associated services and an appropriate library design partner for the design and delivery of furniture, fittings, and equipment, in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders and the Public Contracts Regulation 2015.
4. That Cabinet agrees that, regarding the procurement of supply chain partners, the Executive Director for Resources and the Director of Land and Property are authorised to award such contracts, up to +5% of the budgetary tolerance level.
Reasons for Decisions:
· The Library and Cultural services transformation programme has delivered significant benefits to residents since its strategy was approved in November 2019. This has included enhanced customer service, technology (PCs, Wi-Fi, and self-service) and improvements to some buildings leading to an increased range of events and activities. The next phase includes plans to develop modern libraries that are bright, inviting, flexible spaces. In doing so, it focuses on transforming the county’s libraries to ensure they are all vibrant hubs, providing warm, friendly spaces where everyone is welcome. Developing modern libraries as community hubs supports the Council’s commitment to Empowered and Thriving Communities and No-one Left Behind. It also closely aligns with and supports the Council’s ambitions around towns and villages.
· This report seeks approval for capital funding at four priority locations: Epsom, Redhill, Staines and Woking under Phase 1 of the programme. These four libraries account for 23% of the visits with a population reach of circa 300,000 residents. Based on national evidence, we are projecting that investment in these sites will deliver a 25% increase in use at these libraries. It will also enable them to support a wider range of community and Council services by creating flexible, modern spaces with increased capacity for events and activities. This will facilitate cultural, social, economic, and learning outcomes, deliver agile working spaces for Surrey County Council staff, and reduce long term maintenance costs to the Council.
· Investment in these four schemes also aligns with Surrey’s Greener Futures and Net Zero ambitions as it includes works to decarbonise and increase energy efficiency of the buildings.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)
The report was introduced by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities and Community Safety who explained that the report set out the next stage of the modernisation of the Library Estate as part of the Library and Cultural Services Transformation programme. The report sought Cabinet’s approval to release funding from the capital pipeline for investment to support the major transformation of four priority libraries within Phase 1 of the programme: Epsom, Redhill, Staines and Woking. The transformation work would create vital community hubs with modern facilities. All of Surrey’s transformed libraries would provide excellent book collections and resources for learning, a social space for cultural activities and events, business support and a gateway to Council and community services all of which is to ensure that no one is left behind. There was support from Cabinet on the proposals being presented. It was commented that Surrey was the second best performing library service in the UK and the work being undertaken would create popular community hubs for all residents. The Cabinet Member for Children and Families welcomed the new location for Staines library and the refurbishment plans.
1. That Cabinet notes that the first phase of projects is presented as one single business case comprising four library property projects, with detailed information about each individual project provided via annexes, rather than individual detailed business cases per library.
2. That Cabinet Approves capital funding for:
· The refurbishment of Epsom Library
· The refurbishment of Redhill library
· The refurbishment of Woking library
· The relocation and refurbishment of the proposed new Staines Hub
The capital funding required for these projects is commercially sensitive at this time and is set out in the Part 2 report.
3. That Cabinet approves procurement of an appropriate construction contractor partner for the delivery of all associated services and an appropriate library design partner for the design and delivery of furniture, fittings, and equipment, in accordance with the Council’s Procurement and Contract Standing Orders and the Public Contracts Regulation 2015.
4. That Cabinet agrees that, regarding the procurement of supply chain partners, the Executive Director for Resources and the Director of Land and Property are authorised to award such contracts, up to +5% of the budgetary tolerance level.
Reasons for Decisions:
· The Library and Cultural services transformation programme has delivered significant benefits to residents since its strategy was approved in November 2019. This has included enhanced customer service, technology (PCs, Wi-Fi, and self-service) and improvements to some buildings leading to an increased range of events and activities. The next phase includes plans to develop modern libraries that are bright, inviting, flexible spaces. In doing so, it focuses on transforming the county’s libraries to ensure they are all vibrant hubs, providing warm, friendly spaces where everyone is welcome. Developing modern libraries as community hubs supports the Council’s commitment to Empowered and Thriving Communities and No-one Left Behind. It also closely aligns with and supports the Council’s ambitions around towns and villages.
· This report seeks approval for capital funding at four priority locations: Epsom, Redhill, Staines and Woking under Phase 1 of the programme. These four libraries account for 23% of the visits with a population reach of circa 300,000 residents. Based on national evidence, we are projecting that investment in these sites will deliver a 25% increase in use at these libraries. It will also enable them to support a wider range of community and Council services by creating flexible, modern spaces with increased capacity for events and activities. This will facilitate cultural, social, economic, and learning outcomes, deliver agile working spaces for Surrey County Council staff, and reduce long term maintenance costs to the Council.
· Investment in these four schemes also aligns with Surrey’s Greener Futures and Net Zero ambitions as it includes works to decarbonise and increase energy efficiency of the buildings.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning & Culture Select Committee)
Supporting documents: