Agenda item


The Board is asked to note the update provided on the recent activity within the Surrey Heartlands and Frimley Integrated Care Systems (ICS) regarding the Integrated Care Partnerships and Integrated Care Boards.




Dr Charlotte Canniff - HWB Vice-Chair and Joint Chief Medical Officer, Surrey Heartlands ICS

Tracey Faraday-Drake - Director for Children and Young People and All Age Learning Disabilities and Autism / Place Convenor for Surrey Heath, NHS Frimley ICB


Key points raised in the discussion:


1.    The Vice-Chair provided an apology noting that the written report at December’s Board would fulfil the reports request to align with the update to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. She provided a verbal update on Surrey Heartlands ICS, its integration work was driven at local place level - the ICB had monthly place deep dives - and at the ICS system level working on larger priorities. Focus areas were: Financial efficiency requirements as demand was outstripping resources especially in mental health, current industrial action which impacted on recovery and waiting times, driving recovery in access especially for integrated urgent care, mental health and primary care, and winter planning. The ICS’s strategic priorities: Prevention, Integrated Care and Enablers via the Joint Forward Plan build directly on the Health and Wellbeing Strategy priorities:

·         Priority 1 - she and the Director of Public Health (SCC) attended the Delivery Oversight Group, where they provided an update on the ICS prevention strategy and aligning the governance and finance.

·         Priority 2 - there had been a change in executive leadership, the renewed focus was on operational provision and delivery. There had been a review of business-as-usual work and a new transformative programme called the Mind and Body programme focused on crisis interface, linking to the ‘Right Care, Right Person’ approach.

·         Priority 3 - ICB deep dives into its places around the priority populations including the Key Neighbourhoods.

2.    The Chair noted a past agreed recommendation at the Adults and Health Select Committee regarding the patient journey and that a representative sample needed to be taken to understand how waiting lists were affecting people in terms of their mental and physical health outcomes; delays were exacerbated due to Covid-19 and industrial action. She requested that the data be provided. The Vice-Chair would liaise with the Committee Manager (SCC) to find out the recommendation’s responsible owner and what the results were.

3.    A Board member noted that an update on ‘Waiting Well’ had previously been provided to the Board by Healthwatch Surrey, she noted patients’ disinclination to make a fuss despite deteriorating health and being unsure what to do. She noted that Healthwatch Surrey would be interested in undertaking a joint piece of work about whether patients were being sufficiently well informed through their journey.

4.    A Board member noted that from a Surrey Heartlands ICS perspective they were reassured when the National Elective Care Recovery team raised the profile of health inequalities in elective care, for example a four year old had been on the waiting list for more than half their life. Each ICS had a Children and Young People’s Elective Recovery programme, peer ICB approaches in South East England were being used to understand where the widest health inequalities were. In Surrey it was: children with disabilities, the dental pathway and Ear, Nose and Throat; reviewed by the Equalities and Health Inequalities Board.

5.    A Board member noted that it was helpful to have that steer from NHS England, Frimley ICS would have a deep dive at its Children's Board in October regarding children’s elective waits. She noted urgent and emergency care and waiting times was an item at the next Adults and Health Select Committee. The Chair noted the need to track back to the start of a patient’s journey as often they had multiple appointments cancelled and their waiting time increased, that was damaging to their health; healthcare professionals should know their patient’s history.

6.    The Director for Children and Young People and All Age Learning Disabilities and Autism / Place Convenor for Surrey Heath (NHS Frimley ICB) noted that Frimley ICS would align its written report at December’s Board to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. She provided a verbal update on Frimley ICS noting that it was taking on the regional delegated commissioning responsibility, that would provide it with an additional insight into dentistry which was a challenge for its communities, as well as optometry and community pharmacy. The next ICB was taking place in Surrey Heath focusing on the place’s context, its neighbourhoods, links with partnerships across the system and showcasing the community development work.




1.    Noted the update provided on the recent activity within the Surrey Heartlands and Frimley Integrated Care Systems (ICS) regarding the Integrated Care Partnerships and Integrated Care Boards; and report authors would ensure that the written reports going forward align to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy.


Actions/further information to be provided:


1.    The Vice-Chair will liaise with the Committee Manager (SCC) to find out the recommendation’s responsible owner and what the results were: concerning an agreed recommendation at the Adults and Health Select Committee on the patient journey and a representative sample to be taken to see the impact of waiting lists.


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