Agenda item


David Goodwin, RIP

I am very sorry to report the very sad news of the passing last month of our former colleague and friend, David Goodwin.


Husband of our colleague Angela, David was a terrific Liberal Democrat County Councillor who worked tirelessly for his residents of Guildford South-West from 2005-2021. He was elected as a Guildford Borough Councillor in 1999, representing the former Friary & St Nicolas ward for 16 years and then the Onslow ward for eight years. David was appointed an Honorary Freeman in June for his long-standing contributions to the borough.


I am sure you all join me in sending condolences to Angela and family.  David will be very much missed.


Hazel Watson, 30 Years’ SCC Anniversary

Moving on to happier news, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Cllr Hazel Watson on her 30th anniversary of being a Surrey County Councillor. A magnificent achievement.


Hazel was voted the Liberal Democrat councillor for Dorking Hills in 1993 and has been supporting and campaigning for her residents ever since. She has held various positions at SCC – as well as numerous positions in her division – including chairing the Adults and Community Care Select Committee and Vice Chairman of the Corporate Management Select Committee, as well of course, as leading SCC’s Liberal Democrats for many years.


Hazel has been a tremendous asset to SCC and her residents and I look forward to the next 30 years of Hazel at SCC!


Members’ Development Day

Friday 20 October sees the next in-person Member Development Day at Woodhatch Place.  The day provides a key opportunity to network, both with each other and with senior officers, and there will be numerous workshops on a variety of issues and organisations that can help support you and your residents, such as social media and Your Fund Surrey.


It promises to be an excellent and very worthwhile day; please do come if you are able. Please complete the RSVP link that has been emailed to you. I hope to see as many of you there as possible. Thank you.


Volunteers’ Reception – Call for Nominations

You will hopefully have seen from the email sent to you earlier in the summer that next year, I will be hosting a ‘Thank You’ Reception for Surrey’s volunteers, to which you have been invited to nominate your local volunteers.


As you know, my theme is ‘Celebrating Diverse Communities’ so I am keen to hear about volunteers who have supported Surrey’s diverse communities.


Diverse communities are those that are under-represented or have limited capacity for involvement, such as the ethnic minoritised; faith groups; those with disabilities and neurodiversity; older people; young people; those living in rural communities; the LGBTQI+ communities and those experiencing mental ill health and wellbeing.


My office will re-send the information and link to nominate to you all.  Please do consider the volunteers and groups in your division and nominate those who contribute to these communities. If you are unsure as to whether the volunteers you have in mind meet the criteria, please do contact the Chair’s Office team and they will be very happy to help you.


Act of Remembrance

Surrey County Council’s Act of Remembrance will take place on Friday 10 November, 10.40am-11.15am in the Memorial Garden at Woodhatch Place. You have all be sent an invitation; I do hope as many of you as possible are able to attend and show your respect and grateful thanks to all those who fought for us and gave their lives in two World Wars in the service of this country.


We will also remember those who have died in the many other conflicts since, particularly those currently fighting in Ukraine, as they fight for their country and freedoms.


I look forward to seeing you there.





Jordan Beech joined the meeting at 10.05 am.


Harry Boparai joined the meeting at 10.07 am.


The Chair:


·         Informed Members of the death of former Surrey County Councillor David Goodwin, he paid tribute to the contribution he had made to Surrey and led the Council in a moment of reflection.

·         Congratulated Hazel Watson on her 30th anniversary of being a Surrey County Councillor [Hazel noted her thanks for the recognition of her service, noting that much had changed since 1993].

·         Encouraged Members to attend the in-person Member Development Day on 20 October at Woodhatch Place.

·         Referred to the ‘Thank You’ Reception for Surrey’s volunteers, inviting Members to nominate their local volunteers.

·         Hoped that Members would be able to attend the Act of Remembranceon Friday 10 November in the Memorial Garden at Woodhatch Place.

·         Highlighted the first Surrey Hate Crime Conference held yesterday and thanked the former Chair, Helyn Clack for facilitating that.

·         Highlighted the Stripey Stork charity which celebrated their tenth birthday, he praised their work whereby five million pairs of shoes had been donated.

·         Asked Members to read the information provided on the Council’s Fostering Service.

·         Noted that the rest of his announcements could be found in the agenda.