Key points
raised during the discussion:
- The
Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources provided a brief
introduction to the 2024/25 Draft Budget and the 2028/29
Medium-Term Financial Strategy (MTFS), highlighting that the
Council continues to work in a challenging financial climate
specifically in relation to the high inflation environment and
continued demand and price pressures on key services.
- A
Member asked how long the Customer Services Manager position had
been vacant for, how their tasks were being carried out in this
time, and if it was sustainable to keep it vacant. The Cabinet Member for
Customer and Communities Decisions explained that the post had been
vacant for three years and had been covered by someone who had now
moved into the Assistant Director for Registration, Coroners and
Customer Strategy. The Cabinet Member highlighted that feedback
from the Ombudsman and the task group had identified the need for
autonomy in the post, and the expansion of customer service
functions meant there was now a need to fill this post. The Head of Customer Services clarified they hope
to fill the position by February or March 2024.
- A
Member questioned what uplifts to fees and charges were proposed
across Customer and Communities services and how this reflected
feedback in the public consultation. The Strategic Finance Business
Partner (Resources, C&C, and CPAE) advised that the assumption
was that the average increase would be 4%. The widespread
assumption is taxpayers should not subsidise the use of
discretionary services. The Cabinet Member for Customer and
Communities Decisions added that registration services were looking
to generate £4 million in income this year for the first
time, which highlighted that the popularity and standard of service
delivered was increasing. The Cabinet Member also underlined a gap
between the market rate and the actual charges registration makes,
which are benchmarked and reviewed annually to make sure they are
affordable, but it should also be recognised that when the rates
being charged are less than the market rates there is an
opportunity to increase rates and therefore income.
Tim Hall arrived at 10.23 am.
- The
Chairman questioned if any of the accessibility would be
compromised because of the uplifts to fees and charges, such as
with digitally excluded people. The Cabinet Member for Customer and
Communities Decisions assured the Chairman that uplifts tended to
apply to discretionary services, and fees for statutory services
would be maintained at an affordable level. The Head of Customer
Services highlighted that accessibility is fundamental to all their
services, which is why they had protected telephone services for
those who cannot access online.
- Regarding assumptions made on inflation in the short and medium
term, a member questioned what criteria were considered. The
Strategic Finance Business Partner (corporate) explained that the
corporate assumption for inflation in the Draft Budget was 5% for
2024/25, the default rate was only used in the absence of any other
market intelligence or rates specifically built into contract terms
and conditions. Inflation was currently running at around 4.6% as
of October, and they would re-look at inflation levels for the
Final Budget. More specifically, the Strategic Finance Business
Partner (Resources, C&C and CPAE) explained that for Resources
and Customer and Communities, the current assumption for inflation
was an average of a 4% increase on non-staffing, while building
energy had a higher inflation of 8%. The Draft Budget includes a
corporate contingency budget of £20 million, to ensure
financial resilience. Although historically this has not been
required used, it had been utilised over the last two financial
years, predominately due to inflation being greater than assumed in
the budget. Interest rates have a significant impact on the capital
programme in relation to borrowing costs. Higher borrowing costs due to successive interest
rate rises were offset by two things: slippage in the capital
budget and increased interest on short-term cash balances held
within money market funds. Interest
rates are anticipated to drop over the medium-term but not to fall
as low as quickly as they have risen or to rates as low as what has
been experienced in recent years.
- A
Member questioned how the £0.3 million RAG rated green out of
£4.7 million identified efficiencies for 2024/25, compared
with the Resources budget in previous years. The Strategic Finance
Business Partner (Resources, C&C and CPAE) explained that this
time last year 18% were rated green and for month 7, 65% of this
year’s efficiencies were now rated green. The Strategic
Director outlined that this was comparable to this time last year,
and for the final budget, as plans become firmer and confidence
about efficiencies increases, they expected the ratings to improve.
It was forecast that £500,000 of efficiencies would not be
achievable this year, mostly in relation to MySurrey. The Member questioned if MySurrey efficiencies were
deliverable in the coming year and expressed concern as a school
governor that it could take longer than expected. The Strategic
Business Partner confirmed that they are considered deliverable.
The Executive Director for Resources reassured the Member that the
issue in relation to schools related to the delivery of the
operational payroll service, of which an element has been the
transition to the new system, but it was not related to the way the
system is currently operating. Stabilising the system and ensuring
everyone was using it in the right way was essential to start
seeing the benefits.
- A
Member asked when to expect to see a £100,000 saving due to
improved processes following MySurrey. The Strategic Finance
Business Partner (Resources, C&C and CPAE) explained that the
£100,000 efficiency relates to People and Change’s
targets for this year and that they are not delivering in relation
to MySurrey, but the target remains for next year and as the system
is embedded, they are working towards putting plans in place to
deliver the efficiency. The Member questioned if the £100,000
efficiency is achievable in the next financial year. The Strategic
Business Partner indicated that it is the current assumption it
would be achieved next year and explained that there are services
moving into People and Change, expanding the remit and therefore
there should be some efficiencies coming out of it.
- In
relation to the proposed efficiency of ‘making the most of
our contracts’, a Member asked what the planned review of
contracts across the council is anticipated to show, what contracts
were up for renewal, and what impact is it expected to have on the
budget. The Strategic Finance Business Partner (Resources C&C
and CPAE) explained there had been a pilot in the Environment,
Transport, and Infrastructure Directorate (ETI) looking at
contracts with a plan to roll the process out across all
directorates and highlighted that there is a list of contracts that
would potentially deliver the efficiency. The Member asked for clarification on what
contracts would be reviewed. The Executive Director of
Resources explained that the efficiency relates specifically to the
work of procurement services, which is currently focussed on
supporting managers through the process of tendering contracts,
looking at how they might expand this support to cover in-flight
contract management. The efficiency would also look at how the
remit of the procurement service is resourced to support wider
responsibilities, such as managing the budget. The Member asked if
they were monitoring all contracts or prioritising certain ones.
The Executive Director explained that the efficiency predominately
looks at some of the medium-value contracts. The Cabinet Member for
Finance and Resources highlighted that the details of contracts up
for renewal are in the annual procurement plan going to Cabinet for
- A
Member questioned what changes had been made to the capital budget
compared to the original projections, by reason of inflation or
circumstance such as Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC).
The Strategic Finance Business Partner (Corporate) explained that
the budget setting process involved a thorough review of all
capital schemes to ensure the Capital Programme’s ongoing
affordability and sustainability. Due to increased pressures, a
prioritisation exercise was undertaken, prioritising those
programmes that drive out revenue efficiencies, schemes linked to
statutory or health and safety requirements, and capital programmes
that enhance the existing infrastructure and asset
base. The full revenue costs of the
proposed draft capital programme were included in the revenue
budget proposals and were deemed affordable, while recognising
there remains a residual budget gap to close. The Strategic Finance
Business Partner (Resources, C&C and CPAE) expanded that for
Land and Property, an additional year of maintenance programmes and
a reflection of the latest inflationary impact on maintenance was
added, but nothing specific for RAAC was included. There had been
other movements, where business cases required further work before
they could be included in future capital programmes. For IT and
Digital, inflation was recognised, and a fifth year of the
recurring IT, refreshment and equipment budget was
- The
Member questioned where they would find the money to resolve RAAC
if identified, such as at Redhill library. The Director of Land and
Property explained that Redhill library was in line for a deep
refurbishment and therefore they would need to understand whether
RAAC would increase refurbishment costs and then determine the way
forward. The Director expressed that there is no additional money
in place for RAAC or Redhill specifically. The Member asked if a
contingency plan would be put in place for buildings affected by
RAAC. The Director of Land and Property explained that so far, they
had found 2 fire stations, 2 libraries and 1 youth centre affected
by RAAC, which conveyed a relatively low incidence which did not
merit a contingency plan. They would have a better review of this
by Spring 2024, once building life cycle surveys across the
operational estate had been completed. The Strategic Finance
Business Partner (corporate) added that the capital pipeline,
although not a contingency, was designed to be
flexible. Although it consisted of
itemised projects, these remained subject to the production of
robust business cases, which resulting in the ability to
re-prioritise pipeline budgets if newly identified capital
investment requirements were seen as a priority over existing
plans, providing some flexibility in how they manage the pipeline
through the medium-term.
- A
Member asked if the capital budget was deliverable in the next
financial year, or if they were anticipating that there could be an
underspend. The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources explained
that the budget they had put forward is deemed to be both
affordable and deliverable and highlighted that the underspend they
had seen this year, had been reset in the capital budget in month
5. The Cabinet Member stated that this re-profiled rather than
removed spend and emphasised that those projects would still be
delivered, but over a slightly different timescale than originally
- A
Member asked for clarification on the impact of borrowing costs.
The Strategic Finance Business Partner (Corporate) explained that
they borrow according to their Treasury Management Strategy, based
on cash flow forecasts and levels of cash they hold, rather than
for specific capital projects. Slippage in the capital programme
does have an impact on cash flow forecasts and therefore the level
of borrowing entered into, however slippage in the capital
programme in the current financial year has an impact on the
borrowing costs in the next financial year.
- A
Member asked if the committee could receive reassurance on work
that had been done to prioritise the IT projects. The Executive
Director for Resources explained this related to work to prioritise
transformation activity across the council, and from the initial
sift, 400 projects were identified. The Executive Director
explained that a lot of those projects were either duplicated or
Business as Usual, and the finalised list brought it down to around
60/70 projects or programmes. They had been through an exercise to
see which ones should continue, be amended, or stop and they had
also sharpened information about the resource requirements, the
benefits expected from them, and the timescales applied to
- The
Chairman requested more information in relation to grants to
voluntary organisations that help mentor and help make people with
disabilities work ready. The Director for Corporate Strategy and
Policy highlighted the ‘Approval to Procure Individual
Placement and Support in Primary Care (IPSPC)’ report that
went to the July Cabinet and set out that £6 million was
received from the Department of Work and Pensions to provide
employment support to adults with long term conditions and
disabilities to help them access and maintain work in the longer
term, of which £2 million would be given to the voluntary and
community sector over two years. The Director also outlined that
the council had spent around £200,000, drawing from other
government funding such as, COVID-19 funding, to enable voluntary
organisations to provide employment support, and they are also
working with Surrey Coalition of Disabled People to map the
employment support available for people with disabilities and
long-term health conditions, which would underpin the development
of an employment support directory.
- The
Chairman asked what the anticipated cost to the recurring capital
maintenance budget of resolving the accessibility issues,
identified by the tours with Surrey coalition of disabled people
would be. The Director of Land and Property explained that not all
the items identified had been costed, but explained there is a plan
to return to the Committee in March, once they had been costed and
prioritised, and they would provide any informal updates in the
intervening period. The Cabinet Member for Property, Waste and
Infrastructure reassured the committee that work is going on around
accessibility in the meantime.
- A
Member asked for clarification on the location and purpose of
satellite offices and the rationale for the amber RAG rating. The
Director for Land and Property expressed that because of
uncertainty around everything being completed on time, a RAG rating
of amber was a fair reflection of the confidence they have in
delivering the programme. The Executive Director for Resources
added they aspired to rationalise the large number of offices
distributed across the county, with a variability in cost, while
ensuring people are based in offices of requisite quality. They had
to identify whether the space is cost effective, and if not, what
they could do in conjunction with district and boroughs, or if
there was something that could be done from the Council’s
estate. Conclusions to these options had not been fully made yet,
resulting in an amber RAG rating. The Member questioned how many of
the satellite offices were in the medium-term plan, why they were
needed, and if it was still in line with the Agile Office Strategy.
The Director for Land and Property stated that the council has
eight small satellite offices, which are anticipated to drop to
seven, and four larger offices/hubs, and confirmed it is the
objective to deliver the aims of the Agile Office
- A
Member asked why Land and Property’s efficiency for the
‘rationalisation of assets’, was RAG rated amber and
what the impediments were. The Director of Land and Property
explained this efficiency was linked to business infrastructure and
staffing, and therefore has several components involved to deliver
it. The Director explained this would involve driving out costs or
improving revenue. They expect opportunities to come out of some
assets that would generate revenue savings, but they believe there
would be opportunities in the existing estate that they would want
to retain to improve the income of some Council leased out
properties and improve the net position. Due to the transformation,
there would be more efficiencies coming out of the team with
several contractors and interims moving on over the next 12 months.
These components and the absence of precise answers on how to
achieve them meant the efficiency is RAG rated amber. A Member
asked what caused the delays in the legal process for disposal and
whether they had enough lawyers. The Director for Land and Property
clarified that it is not just about the capacity of the legal team,
the due process would take a certain amount of lapse time no matter
what resource was in place, and explained the convoluted process,
such as capturing data, takes time. The Member asked if the process
could be made quicker. The Director explained they are looking at
different disposal strategies, but the same due diligence would
still be required.
- A
Member asked in what way the rationalisation of assets, both public
facing and other, would affect residents. The Director for Land and
Property explained that it should only have a positive impact, and
there is no intent to rationalise assets and impact on the services
that are provided through them. The Director underlined that the
benefits to it, is that it would allow users to access more
services in fewer locations. The Executive Director for Resources
further explained that the rational for the efficiency is about
where they have different operational services in the same
location, and it is about making sure they can bring these services
together in an efficient way.
Actions/requests for further
Customer & Communities
Directorate to provide the Committee with the Equality Impact
Assessments for efficiencies when finalised.
Executive Director for Resources to
share a list of the contracts, described as mid-value, to be
reviewed as part of the review of commercial contracts.
Executive Director for Resources to
provide a briefing on the lessons learned from the 2023 contract
management pilot in ETI, including whether it is considered there a
business case to invest in more procurement expertise.
IT & Digital/Resources to
provide the list of IT projects underway and planned, and
reassurance of the work done to prioritise them.
Land and Property to share the
outcomes of the condition surveys for assets with Reinforced
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete once they have been completed in the
next five months.
The Resources and Performance Select Committee recommends
- People and Change
undertake a study to forecast how much will be needed in 2024/25
for reasonable adjustments for employees’ equipment, taking
into account historic demand, and on that basis a centralised
budget is set that accommodates demand in full.
- (a) Sufficient
funding is made available to resolve reasonable adjustments, taking
all factors into account, identified by the tours of Woodhatch,
Dakota and Fairmount House with Surrey Coalition of Disabled People
in autumn 2023. This is in order to demonstrate its status as a
Disability Confident employer, to support the guiding mission of
“No One Left Behind” and to make a reality of the
recruitment of people with disabilities and the ambition to have a
workforce that better reflects the diverse needs of residents. An
update on costing and progress will be brought to the Select
Committee’s March 2024 meeting.
These adaptations to Council offices are carried out at the latest
by the end of the 2024/25FY.
- The corporate hubs
and satellite offices involved in the agile office estate strategy,
including disposals and business cases for acquisitions, are
overseen by the Cabinet Member for Property and any departure from
the strategy should be subject to Cabinet approval. The Committee
notes that the agile office strategy represents a reduction in
offices and recommends this approach is kept firmly on
- In order to avoid
significant annual revenue costs, Consort House in Redhill and
Bittoms car park in Kingston, redundant since the move to Woodhatch
Place, are disposed of without further delay.
- Due to the
Committee’s concerns at the problems associated with the
DB&I My Surrey project including overrun and overspend, in
order to eliminate or minimise unplanned budget overspend,
reputational damage, inadequate requirements and insufficient
stakeholder engagement, the specification for the proposed
replacement for the two Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
systems should be brought to Select Committee, along with
consultation with service users, at the earliest opportunity. Full
lessons learned from MySurrey should be considered before awarding
a new CRM contract.