This report sets out the work that has been undertaken to consider options for how a more sustainable financial future for the Canal could be delivered, with associated risks and implications.
It proposes resultant changes to the operations and governance of the Canal, for which Joint Management Committee (JMC) members are invited to provide feedback.
Jo Heath, Assistant Director Recreation, Information and Business Services (HCC)
Katie McDonald, Natural Capital Group Manager (SCC)
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. Officers introduced the report and stated that the report set out the work that had been undertaken to consider options for how a more sustainable financial future for the Canal could be delivered, with associated risks and implications. Members were provided with a PowerPoint presentation which is attached to these minutes as Appendix 1. Following the presentation, JMC members were invited to feedback on proposals. The decision to introduce proposed changes would then be made via Executive Member decisions at the respective landowning authorities.
2. The Chairman thanked officers for a clear and honest appraisal of the current situation.
3. A Member gave their thanks to all the authorities within the partnership for their contributions to the Basingstoke Canal over previous years. The Member added that it was important to choose an option that was sustainable and allowed the Basingstoke Canal to continue to have a positive impact on residents going forward. The Assistant Director Recreation, Information and Business Services stated that the exercise to consider future options was important as it had brought the attention of the senior leaders within the two landowning authorities to what the statutory minimum duties were and the finances needed to support it.
4. A Member gave their thanks to officers within the Basingstoke Canal Authority, Surrey County Council and Hampshire County Council for efforts to support the canal through the years and said that the main priority should be to continue the service that the Basingstoke Canal provided. The Member suggested that officers within the Basingstoke Canal Authority contact officers within Woking Borough Council as they could share their experience with understanding statutory duties and building relationships with external providers.
5. A Member said that he believed that there was an opportunity for Surrey Heath Borough Council to become more involved with the work of the Basingstoke Canal Authority and that there was especially an opportunity to build a strong relationship between the Canal Centre and Frimley Lodge Park. The Member further added that he welcomed Surrey County Council’s recognition of the community value of the Basingstoke Canal and the important services provided by the Canal Centre. The Chairman asked that the representative from Surrey Heath Borough Council pass the comments made to their senior leaders within the authority.
6. Officers highlighted that all JMC members were invited to provide comment on the proposed changes by 30th January 2024 via the dedicated inbox:
7. The Assistant Director Recreation, Information and Business Services stated that the proposals provided were believed to be the statutory minimum and were not intended to be an interim measure.
8. The representative from the Basingstoke Canal Society thanked officers for their work towards the proposals.
9. A Member asked whether consideration had been put into extending the use of the caravan sites or other commercial opportunities such as advertising and crowdfunding. The Natural Capital Group Manager explained that commercial opportunities were important and should be considered and were being discussed with the Basingstoke Canal Society.
The JMC members were invited to feedback on proposals.
It was noted that the decision to introduce proposed changes would then be made via Executive Member decisions at the respective landowning authorities.
Supporting documents: