To consider any reports from Select Committees, Task Groups and any other Committees of the Council.
The following reports have been received,
A. Surrey Roadsafe Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy 2024 To 2035: Communities, Environment & Highways Select Committee
B. Surrey Fire And Rescue Service Performance Report & HMICFRS Inspection: Communities, Environment & Highways Select Committee
C. Scrutiny Of Draft Revenue & Capital Budget 2024/25 And Medium-Term Financial Strategy To 2028/29
That the three Select Committee reports be noted and recommendations considered.
The Chairman of the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee presented the Select Committee’s budget recommendations stating that the committee was supportive of the capital programme and the broad goal to achieve efficiencies without any reduction in service or visible impact to residents. The committee was also supportive of tackling climate change which remained a priority. Cabinet were urged to ensure that this continues to be reflected in budget planning.
The Chairman of the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee presented the recommendations to the Surrey Fire and Rescue Service Performance Report & HMICFRS Inspection report. Concern was expressed over a number of areas for improvement in the inspection report but the Committee had been informed that since the submission of the inspectors report the service was working closely with the inspectorate on the inspection improvement plan. The Cabinet Member for Fire, Rescue and Resilience stated that work was being undertaken to address the issues in the inspection report which would be reported back to the Committee in due course.
The Chairman of the Resources and Performance Select Committee presented the budget recommendations from his Select Committee commenting that the Select Committee still had serious concerns around MySurrey and the long term impacts of this project. There were concerns that lessons were not being learnt as other IT projects were being started. The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources stated that the service was trying to fully understand the lessons from the implementation of MySurrey and a task and finish group had been set up to review this work.
The Chairman of the Adults and Health Select Committee presented the budget recommendations from his Select Committee commenting that the Select Committee felt that a major transformation project is needed in adult social care so residents can live healthy in their own homes for longer, reducing the overall market demand for high cost care services by refocusing efforts on prevention and maximizing use of technology in care. The Cabinet Member for Health, Wellbeing and Public Health welcomed the recommendations and thanked the Select Committee for their work.
The Vice Chairman of the Children, Families, Lifelong Learning and Culture Select Committee welcomed the Cabinet response to the Select Committee’s budget recommendations but had concerns around the cuts in funding for short break services for families. The Cabinet Member for Children, Families and Lifelong Learning stated that the service was unable to find the funds in the budget to invest in short breaks without impacting statutory services. The Leader stated that the funding for short breaks would be used in the council’s response to the government's local government finance settlement as an example of a service which positively impacts residents.
The Chairman of the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee presented the Select Committee’s recommendations on the Surrey RoadSafe Vision Zero Road Safety Strategy 2024 to 2035 and the new 20mph speed policy and welcomed the Cabinet response. The Cabinet Member for Highways, Transport and Economic Growth welcomed the recommendations from the Select Committee stating that additional funding had been set aside for councillors allowances where up to £40,000 could be used for capital highway improvements which include new 20mph schemes.
That the three Select Committee reports be noted and recommendations considered.
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