This report is to advise Members of the responses in regard to the recent consultation on the proposed Local List for the Validation of Planning Applications received by Surrey County Council (the “Local List”) and the amendments that have been made as a result. The Local List is prepared by the County Planning Authority to clarify what information is usually required for applications of a particular type, scale or location.
Officers request that the committee formally adopt the revised and updated Local List allowing for periodic reviews of the Local List and for Officers to update technical notes, in engagement with relevant consultees, when and if required.
Jessica Darvill, Planning Officer
Key points raised during the discussion:
1. Officers introduced the report and provided a brief summary. Members noted that the report was to advise Members of the responses in regard to the recent consultation on the proposed Local List for the Validation of Planning Applications received by Surrey County Council (the “Local List”) and the amendments that have been made as a result. The Local List was prepared by the County Planning Authority to clarify what information is usually required for applications of a particular type, scale or location. Full details could be found within the published report. Members noted that the National Planning Policy Framework was recently updated however did not impact the report being considered.
2. Officers clarified that the document was for validation purposes and that further details, including those related to root protection areas and travel plans, if relevant, would be considered later on in the planning process.
Action / Further information to be provided:
To ADOPT the Revised and Updated Local List of Validation of County Development and County Matters Planning Applications allowing for periodic reviews of this document and Officers to update technical notes, in consultation with relevant consultees, if necessary.
Supporting documents: