The Council has a statutory duty to set a balanced budget in advance of each financial year. The Final Budget for 2024/25 will be presented to Full Council on 6 February 2024. Cabinet is required to recommend a budget to Council for consideration at this meeting.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
That Cabinet makes the following recommendations to Council on 6 February 2024.
Cabinet recommends that Council:
13.Cabinet notes that the Audit & Governance Committee has approved the following at its meeting on the 17th January 2024: Treasury Management Strategy and Prudential Indicators (Annex F – Section 4) which set a framework for the Council’s treasury function to manage risks, source borrowing and invest surplus cash.
Reasons for Decisions:
Council will meet on 6 February 2024 to agree a budget and to set the Council Tax Precept for 2024/25. Cabinet is required to recommend a budget to Council for consideration at this meeting. The budget directs available resources to support the achievement of the Council’s ambitions and priorities in the 2030 Vision and the Refreshed Organisation Strategy.
The budget will also support the delivery of the continuing transformational changes that are required to ensure that the Council can improve priority outcomes for residents, while managing growing demand for services and ensuring future financial sustainability.
The report was introduced by the Leader who explained that a draft budget had come to Cabinet in November and would be taken to Full Council on 6 February for approval. At the November meeting a budget gap of £13.5m had been identified, the final budget contained within the Cabinet report addressed this gap. The final budget would assume an increase in the level of core council tax of 2.99% and an increase of 2% in the precept proposed by Central Government to cover the growing cost of Adult Social Care. The increase in council tax would put the council in a robust financial position. A final settlement from Government would be announced on 5 February which indicated an increase of funding by £600m, £500m of this would be ringfenced for adult social care. The lobbying by the council to government had been effective and acted on. The Leader gave special thanks to the Prime Minister, Jeremy Hunt and Michael Gove. The Leader reiterated the need for reform to funding in Local Government and highlighted the services where there were pressures including home to school transport.
The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources welcomed the final budget, thanking the Leader for his lobbying of government. Officers were also thanked for helping develop the final budget. Additional funding from government would help the council to support vulnerable residents and invest for the future. Cabinet Members welcomed additional funding from the government especially for children and adults services. The Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities welcomed the £40m being made available for Your Fund Surrey from 2023-24 to 2025-26. The projects coming to fruition were supporting the prevention agenda of the council and supporting vulnerable residents.
The Leader noted that recommendation 5 in the report would be updated ahead of the Full Council meeting to reflect that earmarked reserves would no longer be used as additional funding had been received by government.
That Cabinet makes the following recommendations to Council on 6 February 2024.
Cabinet recommends that Council:
Reasons for Decisions:
Council will meet on 6 February 2024 to agree a budget and to set the Council Tax Precept for 2024/25. Cabinet is required to recommend a budget to Council for consideration at this meeting. The budget directs available resources to support the achievement of the Council’s ambitions and priorities in the 2030 Vision and the Refreshed Organisation Strategy.
The budget will also support the delivery of the continuing transformational changes that are required to ensure that the Council can improve priority outcomes for residents, while managing growing demand for services and ensuring future financial sustainability.
Supporting documents: