Agenda item


To enable the Committee to monitor the operation of the Members’ Code of Conduct, including complaints made concerning councillors, the declaration of gifts and hospitality and Interests over the course of the last year.






Paul Evans, Director of Law and Governance, and Monitoring Officer


Key points raised in the discussion:


1.    The Director of Law and Governance, and Monitoring Officer explained that the annual report on the operation of the Member Code of Conduct had expanded to include sections on declarations of interest, and gifts and hospitality. Members received induction training on the Code with ongoing development throughout the year such as on social media and refresher training on the Member-Officer Protocol. Noted that ten complaints had gone through the complaints process, none were formally investigated and no breach of the Code was found. Noted the importance of Members being aware of how their comments are perceived by others, particularly on social media. Members were required to register their interests and a reminder was sent every six months to update it. There were nine declarations last year at decision-making meetings, officers were not aware of any issues where a Member has not declared an interest at a meeting when they should have done. Noted that Members must register any offers of gifts or hospitality over £50, whether accepted or refused; there were 18 entries last year mainly relating to the Leader. Noted the suggestion that a more targeted reminder be sent to those roles more likely to be offered gifts and hospitality. At present, the suggestion of requiring a nil return by all Memberswas considered disproportionate based on the entries.

2.    The Chairman agreed that it would at present be disproportionate to ask all Members to submit a nil return regarding the gifts and hospitality register.

3.    A Committee member agreed that it would be disproportionate, noting that even as former Chair of the Council she paid her own way; it was vital to remind Members to declare their gifts and hospitality, the Director of Law and Governance, and Monitoring Officer noted that the last reminder was sent in December 2023.

4.    A Committee member welcomed the annual report which covered the Member Code of Conduct and queried whether there should be a similar report covering senior officers alongside the report on Members. The Director of Law and Governance, and Monitoring Officer explained that a report was monitored on a quarterly basis for gifts and hospitality, interests and whistleblowing at an officer level. The proposal for some time had been to report it to the Committee, he understood that the Unit4/MySurrey system generated those reports and once those declarations were coming through reliably, the report would be brought to the Committee.




1.    Noted the Monitoring Officer’s report on recent activity in relation to the Members’ Code of Conduct, including Registration of Interests and Gifts and Hospitality, and complaints made in relation to Member conduct.

2.    Noted the further training and development planned for the coming year at paragraph 14.


Actions/further information to be provided:


1.      A10/24 - The Committee will receive the report on gifts and hospitality, interests and whistleblowing at a senior officer level alongside the annual report on Members.


Supporting documents: