Agenda item

Reports from Select Committees, Task Groups and other Committees of the Council

To consider any reports from Select Committees, Task Groups and any other Committees of the Council.


For Cabinet to consider the following reports:


A.    Referred Council Motion ‘Advertising & Sponsorship Policy’ (Communities Environment and Highways Select Committee)


B.    Surrey Utilities – Water and Wastewater Services (Communities Environment and Highways Select Committee).


The referred council motion ‘Advertising & Sponsorship Policy’ report was introduced by the Chairman of the Greener Futures Reference Group who confirmed that the Group was unanimous in its view that the current advertising policy did not support the council’s greener future agenda and ambitions. The Group was of the view that it was undesirable to enable advertising for commercial benefit by companies or products in direct opposition to the Council’s net zero goals and aims. The length of the contracts for large and small format advertising were queried.


The Cabinet Member Highways, Transport and Economic Growth stated that he would be happy to send the member details of the advertising contracts. There was recognition around the importance of the Council’s net zero goals and aims. If the council was to accept the recommendations of the Group it would impact the council’s income stream and advertising for council services such as the bus service which is valued by residents. The Cabinet Member for Environment stated that she did not believe it was right to interfere with the current contracts for advertising and explained that strict guidelines around advertising were set by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) whom she would contact asking them to consider whether guidance could be formed around the advertising of fossil fuels and high carbon products.


Catherine Baart asked if the Cabinet Member Highways, Transport and Economic Growth thought it would be appropriate to see a flight being advertised on a billboard in Surrey and if the new advertising space could be used to support green companies based in Surrey. The Cabinet Member explained that the council would be leasing sections of the highways for advertising and would not be owning the advertising boards. The ASA had a set criteria of what is acceptable for advertising. As a result the council could not dictate what should or should not be advertised. The Cabinet Member welcomed advertising space being used by green companies based in Surrey.


The Leader noted that the Council was taking a leading role in the greener futures agenda and asked for the Cabinet Member for Environment to write to the relevant Minister around future plans to tighten advertising guidance in relation to fossil fuels. 


The Surrey Utilities Water and Wastewater Services report was introduced by the Chairman of the Communities, Environment and Highways Select Committee. The Chairman gave an overview of the work that been undertaken and the witnesses that been engaged. The Chairman briefed the Cabinet on the Committee’s conclusions and recommendations. The report was welcomed by the Cabinet Member for Environment who acknowledged the positive work that had been done by the committee. There were known issues with utilities companies and it was positive to see the committee on the front foot trying to resolve these issues. The Cabinet recognised the value of the work undertaken by the committee.








That the Referred Council Motion ‘Advertising & Sponsorship Policy’ report and the Surrey Utilities – Water and Wastewater Services report be noted along with the Cabinet response.


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