Agenda item

Surrey County Council Proposal TA2024/47 - Site of Former Orchard Court Care Home, East Grinstead Road, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6ET

Demolition of existing buildings and outline application for the erection of part 2 and 3 storey building (with additional basement) for extra care accommodation, comprising self-contained apartments, staff and communal facilities, electric substation and associated parking. Appearance and landscaping reserved.


Cllr Chris Farr raised a non-pecuniary interest that he was a Tandridge District Councillor, a member of the Planning and Planning Policy Committee, and was a member of the Lingfield Surgery. The Member confirmed that had an open mind and was not predetermined.


Cllr Jeffrey Gray raised a non-pecuniary interest that he was a Tandridge District Councillor and that he had not expressed any options on the application.



Janine Wright, Principal Planning Officer


Officer Introduction:


  1. The Principal Planning Officer introduced the report and update sheet and provided Members with a brief overview. Members noted that the outline application was for the erection of part 2 and 3 storey building (with additional basement) for extra care accommodation, comprising self-contained apartments, staff and communal facilities, electric substation and associated parking. Appearance and landscaping reserved. Full details of the application were outlined within the published report. A Member noted that the previous car home contained 63 bedrooms and the new proposal would be 54 units.




Carol Bell spoke on behalf of the applicant and made the following comments:


  1. That the redevelopment was part of a programme of extra care projects being delivered by Surrey County Council to address the critical gap in provision of affordable extra care housing for older people who need accommodation and support.
  2. That the proposal offered a higher level of care compared to traditional sheltered housing. Further to this, residents maintained a higher level of independence that this offered by a traditional care home.
  3. That residents in extra care housing were less likely to develop conditions that required intensive healthcare solutions.
  4. That the Orchard Court site was selected as it met key sustainability criteria which included close proximity to the Lingfield Village Centre, public transport links and health infrastructure. The site would be fully wheelchair accessible throughout with adaptable accommodation that can address both current and future needs.
  5. Noted that there would be added security by having a manager on site at all times.
  6. That the site would have the latest in sustainable energy supplies and measures to minimise heat loss. The latest technology would also be used to provide care and support to residents.


The Chairman stated that going forward it would be helpful to understand the proposed layout of the units. 


A Member asked whether staff would be available on site in addition to the manager. The speaker confirmed that there would be day and night staff, catering staff, and care workers. Members noted that five parking spaces would be allocated to staff.


The Local Member, Lesley Steeds, made the following comments:


  1. That she was supportive of the amended scheme and that the changes in height positioning as well as increased parking were welcomed and addressed concerns that had been raised.
  2. That Surrey County Council would be providing a much-needed facility for elderly residents wishing to move to smaller accommodation with facilities onsite.
  3. That services would not be further strained as the site was for local elderly people allowing them to have independent living with easy access to local amenities.
  4. Urged the committee to approve the application.


A Member asked for detail on Tandridge District Council’s position on the proposal. The Local Member explained that the council had reservations due to the height of the proposal and parking spaces however the Local Member felt these had been addressed.


Key points raised during the discussion:


  1. A Member stated that they supported the proposal and stated that it met a pressing social need for extra care housing. The Member added that they did not agree with comments by Tandridge District Council outlined in the report and that he felt the proposal better maximised the use of the site.
  2. Members noted that objection stated that the proposal was not in accordance with the Lingfield Village Design Plan due to the height of the development however officers noted that there were other buildings in the immediate area of the site which were three levels or higher.
  3. A Member stated that the need for the application had been well expressed, that the location of the site was very good and that it would not be reasonable to object due to the height of the proposal.
  4. Members noted that he reserve matters would be delegated to officers unless called in to committee or objections received.
  5. The Chairman stated that it would be beneficial to reserve a parking space for a ‘car club’ to enable greater flexibility and reduce the demand for private cars.
  6. A Member stated that they were in support of the application and were pleased with the location and parking available.
  7. The Chairman moved the recommendation which received unanimous support.


Actions / Further information to be provided:






The Planning and Regulatory Committee agreed that, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations 1992, the planning application ref: TA2024/47 be approved, subject to planning conditions.


Supporting documents: