Agenda item


In responding to the challenges set by the National Bus Strategy: Bus Back Better published in March 2020, the County Council drafted, consulted on and approved a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP) in October 2021. The BSIP was subsequently updated in May 2023.


In late January 2024, the Department for Transport (DfT) published new guidance to Local Transport Authorities (LTAs) requiring them to update their BSIPs. These must be submitted to the DfT by 12 June 2024. Failure to meet this deadline puts future Government BSIP funding to LTAs at risk. For Surrey, this would put at risk the second £3.9m instalment of BSIP Phase 2 funding, previously called BSIP+.


The Council has responded positively to the challenge set by Government. This report details our updated BSIP, which is now ready to be submitted to the DfT.


Our updated BSIP will help the County Council support the economy of Surrey in a sustainable way by delivering better and more affordable public transport. It will also enable a Greener Future, by supporting a shift to public transport from the private car, coupled with an investment in more zero emission buses and minibuses. Reliable, attractive and affordable public transport will support all residents as they travel around Surrey, providing improved access to public transport ensuring that no one is left behind.



the Cabinet Member:

1.    Agreed the updated Bus Service Improvement Plan for Surrey.

2.    Noted the approach taken with operators, Members and stakeholders in developing the Bus Service Improvement Plan update.

3.    Agreed the approach for the Enhanced Partnership Board to sign off the updated Bus Service Improvement Plan to be submitted to the Department for Transport.

4.    Agreed the approach for revising the Enhanced Partnership Plan and Scheme between the County Council and the bus operators.


Supporting documents: