Outline application for the erection of a part 1 and part 3 storey building for Extra Care Accommodation, comprising self-contained apartments, staff and communal facilities, and associated car parking (Class C2); the reprovision of a revised Scouts Hut curtilage including a new amenity area (Class F2); and a new access from Salisbury Road. Appearance and landscaping reserved (amended plans).
Dawn Horton-Baker, Development Management Team Leader
Officer Introduction:
The Senior Planning Policy Officer introduced the report and updated sheet and provided Members with a brief overview. It was noted that the application was for the outline application for the erection of a part 1 and part 3 storey building for Extra Care Accommodation, comprising self-contained apartments, staff and communal facilities, and associated car parking (Class C2); the reprovision of a revised Scouts Hut curtilage including a new amenity area (Class F2); and a new access from Salisbury Road. Appearance and landscaping reserved (amended plans). Members noted further details as outlined in the published report.
The Local Member asked that, in regard to Condition 22, Epsom and Ewell Borough Council be included as a decision maker and that, if mitigation works could not be identified from existing recreation facilities in Epsom and Ewell, that the £100,000 funding agreed with Sports England be used to fund other bids, such as from schools, in the local area. Officers stated that the decision could only be made by Surrey County Council as the Local Planning Authority. In regard to the £100,000 sum refenced in the report, officers added that the condition included within the report was not tying the specific sum of £100,000 in but was instead reference to the mitigation package for local playing facilities. The officer added that the final cost could be more or less the referenced figure.
In regard to Condition 22, The Local Member asked that Members of the Committee agree an informative to consult Epsom and Ewell Borough Council. The Chairman proposed an informative to inform Epsom and Ewell Borough Council and the Local Member of the application when relevant, which was agreed.
In regard to Condition 22 and the reference to Worcester Park, Officers advised that the location be replaced with ‘local area’ in order to prevent restrictions on location.
Members noted that local transport links was limited in the area.
Key points raised during the discussion:
Actions / Further information to be provided:
That, pursuant to Regulation 3 of the Town and Country Planning Regulations 1992, outline planning application ref: EP23/00633/CMA be approved, subject to planning conditions outlined within the published report and update sheet.
Supporting documents: