This report sets out the ambition and business case for the transformation of customer experiences and outcomes, to support the Council’s guiding mission principle of ‘No one left behind’ and customer service goals. Contributing to reducing health inequalities, the programme will enable the needs of Surrey County Council’s residents and wider customers to be better met, with a focus on understanding and supporting those with the greatest need.
(The decisions in this item can be called-in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
1. That Cabinet approves the customer transformation ambition and approach, and the in principle £11.3m investment requirement over four years.
2. That Cabinet approves the use of financial revenue reserves of £3.5m (included in the £11.3m request) to support the 2024/25 activity. Further draw down of funding will be released in phases from 2025/26 onwards, following appropriate evidence of benefit realisation in the updated business case and approval of the Executive Director, Customer, Digital and Change in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member.
3. That Cabinet approves the Dynamic Customer Operating model (D-COM) and its delivery as an essential countywide priority to ensure customer outcomes and experiences are improved.
4. That Cabinet notes the inter-relationships of the transformation programme with cultural and digital change, the data strategy, service specific improvements, Core Function Redesign and the Towns and Villages/Team Around the Community programmes.
5. That Cabinet delegates authority to the Executive Director, Customer, Digital and Change, in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member to refine the Dynamic Operating Model as it evolves over time, responding to changing needs.
Reasons for Decisions:
The Council is determined to improve the customer experience in line with our mission and organisational priorities. This will be achieved through the design and implementation of a new Customer Service Operating Model, supported by systems, processes and ways of working that will provide a seamless customer journey, build customer trust, confidence, and satisfaction; reduce cost and maximise efficiency and effectiveness.
(The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
The item was introduced by the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Customer and Communities who explained that the report sets out the ambition and business case for the transformation of customer experiences and outcomes, to support the Council’s guiding ambition that ‘No one is left behind’. The programme will enable the needs of Surrey County Council’s residents and wider customers to be better met, with a focus on understanding and supporting those with the greatest need. The programme will enable consistently good customer experience across all council services, including customer ‘contact points’ (e.g. libraries, registry offices, social care interactions etc.). The programme will work closely with all services and teams within the Council to achieve this and will streamline current processes. Cabinet was asked to approve in principle £11.3m investment over four years for this work.
The Chairman of the Resources and Performance Select Committee spoke on the item recognising the enormity of the programme and the absolute need to ensure we properly engage with residents and customers. The Select Committee understood that this was an important matter for the Council. Some members of the Select Committee had reservations about the programme which was borne from concerns around IT issues which had occurred with the My Surrey acquisition and the potential cost of the programme. The Select Committee had therefore requested updates on the programme. The Deputy Leader welcomed the support from the Select Committee and the setting up a member reference group on the programme.
The Leader explained that progress of the programme and checks on value for money would be vigorously reviewed by the Cabinet. It was vital the council modernised the ways it engaged with residents especially those that were digitally excluded.
1. That Cabinet approves the customer transformation ambition and approach, and the in principle £11.3m investment requirement over four years.
2. That Cabinet approves the use of financial revenue reserves of £3.5m (included in the £11.3m request) to support the 2024/25 activity. Further draw down of funding will be released in phases from 2025/26 onwards, following appropriate evidence of benefit realisation in the updated business case and approval of the Executive Director, Customer, Digital and Change in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member.
3. That Cabinet approves the Dynamic Customer Operating model (D-COM) and its delivery as an essential countywide priority to ensure customer outcomes and experiences are improved.
4. That Cabinet notes the inter-relationships of the transformation programme with cultural and digital change, the data strategy, service specific improvements, Core Function Redesign and the Towns and Villages/Team Around the Community programmes.
5. That Cabinet delegates authority to the Executive Director, Customer, Digital and Change, in consultation with the Lead Cabinet Member to refine the Dynamic Operating Model as it evolves over time, responding to changing needs.
Reasons for Decisions:
The Council is determined to improve the customer experience in line with our mission and organisational priorities. This will be achieved through the design and implementation of a new Customer Service Operating Model, supported by systems, processes and ways of working that will provide a seamless customer journey, build customer trust, confidence, and satisfaction; reduce cost and maximise efficiency and effectiveness.
(The decisions on this item can be called in by the Resources and Performance Select Committee)
Supporting documents: