The “Library of Experiences” approach was agreed by the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) at its meeting on 27 April 2024 to identify, capture and share the lessons from work with communities across the county to reduce health inequalities. These lessons can inform and improve future work. The approach will continue to be developed so it contributes to further improvements in the design and delivery of work with communities to reduce health inequalities, address the wider determinants of health, and enable local community led improvements across towns and villages and the key neighbourhoods they encompass.
Agenda item for: HWB, and Surrey Heartlands ICP
Agenda item for: HWB, and Surrey Heartlands ICP
Dan Shurlock, Strategic Lead - Thriving Communities, SCC
Jo Cogswell, Executive Director Strategy and Joint Transformation, Executive Lead for Guildford and Waverley, Surrey Heartlands ICB
Key points raised in the discussion:
1. The Chair explained that the Library of Experiences captured experiences and produced a guide about what might be found in a town, using that to build supportive infrastructure.
2. The Strategic Lead - Thriving Communities (SCC) noted that there were pockets of good practice, the focus must be on how to use the lessons learned, looking at how to engage with communities and co-design with people with lived experience. Thanked colleagues in Horley and North Leatherhead as those were two of the site visits. Referred to the SharePoint site, open to partners providing them access to the learning and examples, making it easier to find out information about specific places and using that to collaborate with communities.
3. The Executive Director Strategy and Joint Transformation, Executive Lead for Guildford and Waverley (Surrey Heartlands ICB) highlighted the great work done in capturing the work undertaken. Noted that the name of the approach captured the level of energy, about sharing experiences to create a community of practice. Hoped that the Surrey Heartlands Expo would provide an opportunity to demonstrate the passion and commitment from those that want to share their lived experience. Noted the challenge of recreating that, working with local community networks to advance the work fundamental to the ambitions in the Health and Well-Being Strategy and the Integrated Care Strategy.
4. A HWB and ICP member praised the approach, however noted that it focused around the workforce within the ICB and the Surrey Heartlands Expo would have a small group of people in attendance. Noted that there were hundreds of micro examples of good practice and stressed the need to be more ambitious about how the small groups are reached out to, whether indirectly through the larger charities, or also through the schools’ networks, or informal networks of carers; as there was a risk that those small group would feel disconnected. The Executive Director Strategy and Joint Transformation, Executive Lead for Guildford and Waverley (Surrey Heartlands ICB) shared that ambition and welcomed further feedback on how to progress the work, stressed that the approach was not solely for statutory organisations.
5. A HWB and ICP member highlighted Voluntary Support North Surrey and noted that there were small umbrella groups, those were being brought together in an upcoming meeting with the Community Foundation for Surrey.
6. The Chair noted that it was the ambition to get down to the granular level, testing the data in the JSNA. Noted the challenge of connecting the small charities together, there were over 16,000 charitable and voluntary organisations; the approach sought to establish support infrastructure within each of the communities, attracting those organisations that want to engage.
7. A HWB and ICP member welcomed the approach and noted the many connections into the arts and cultural sector, for example the Surrey Cultural Partnership had over 300 community stakeholders on its database. There were many examples of work underway at grassroots level, the challenge would be finding all of those, was keen to be a conduit.
8. The Chair hoped that the VCSE Alliance would help finding those voices and help coordinate the work.
The HWB and Surrey Heartlands ICP:
1. Endorsed the further development of the library of experiences method, with all partners committing to share examples and apply the lessons in practice.
2. Confirmed that positive examples be showcased at the Surrey Heartlands Expo event on 21 October 2024 and be included in follow up internal and external communications campaigns thereafter as appropriate.
3. Agreed to actively consider the key lessons emerging through this approach when reviewing relevant future HWB/ICP items and recommendations.
Actions/further information to be provided:
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