Agenda item


Following the merger of the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) and the Community Safety Board (CSB) in 2020 it has been recognised that whilst it has developed some helpful and good connections, strong strategic oversight and particularly direction on delivery across the various aspects and workstreams of Community Safety has been limited. It is therefore proposed to review the responsibility with regards to Community Safety currently within the HWB with a view to considering what a separate arrangement could be to take this forward. This would be done whilst maintaining links particularly in relation to the wider determinants of health where there continues to be benefits in alignment between programmes.

Agenda item for: HWB




Agenda item for: HWB




Sarah Grahame, Assistant Chief Constable, Surrey Police

Tim De Meyer, Chief Constable, Surrey Police

Alison Bolton, Chief Executive, OPCC


Key points raised in the discussion:


1.    The Assistant Chief Constable (Surrey Police) highlighted the merger in 2020 of the HWB and Community Safety Board which delivered on some of the community safety workstreams and provided positive collaboration, but the time dedicated to community safety was limited due to the HWB’s broad agenda. Going forward a shared steering group was proposed to review what a separate arrangement would look like, as the governance landscape had changed since 2020, with the formation of the Community Safety Assembly, the Serious Violence Reduction Partnership, and the Domestic Abuse Executive.

2.    The Chief Constable (Surrey Police) noted that to be safe is to be healthy and it was right to take a public health approach to tackling crimes, however the activities necessary to address community safety were distinct requiring dedicated focus. He noted the ambitions of the new government to tackling violence and anti-social behaviour, he noted the aspiration for Surrey to be the safest county in the country. Therefore, it was important to consider constituting a Community Safety Board to progress such work, to better share data on comorbidities and more efficiently direct limited resources.

3.    The Chief Executive (OPCC) noted that the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey was keen to have a strategic level where she could engage with partners on community safety matters. She noted the importance of getting the right role and remit for the Community Safety Board, to streamline the governance landscape and reduce duplication and increase effectiveness in tackling violence and anti-social behaviour.

4.    The Chair noted that the Surrey Safeguarding Children Partnership and Surrey Safeguarding Adults Board Independent Chairs were supportive of having a more structured board.

5.    A HWB and ICP member asked whether the voice of people with lived experience regarding violence would be represented in the new board and governance structure. The Assistant Chief Constable (Surrey Police) noted that the good practice in place for example around including the voice of those with lived experience would be developed and enhanced in the new structure.

6.    A HWB and ICP member noted that given that community safety sits within Priority 3, integral to the collective work by the partners on the HWB and ICP, asked whether in the review it could be considered how the HWB and ICP can be kept updated on the work. The Assistant Chief Constable (Surrey Police) noted that yes that would be considered in line with recommendation two.




The HWB:


1.      Agreed that responsibility for strategic oversight of community safety is reviewed to enable stronger and clearer leadership of community safety across Surrey with a view to considering what a separate arrangement could be to take this forward.

2.      As part of the above, supported appropriate continued interface with the HWB and Prevention and Wider Determinants of Health Delivery Board (PWDHDB) to continue to recognise the impact that Community Safety has on wellbeing.


Actions/further information to be provided:




Supporting documents: