To provide a further update to Members on the actions taken in response to the 2022 Centre for Governance and Scrutiny’s (CfGS) review of Council governance using their Governance Risk and Resilience Framework.
Asmat Hussain, Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer
Key points raised in the discussion:
1. The Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer outlined the final action updates on the action plan brought to the Committee in 2023. She emphasised that completed actions would be reviewed and refreshed as a matter of good practice and governance.
2. A Committee member noted that as a backbencher it was difficult to get to know new officers that join the Council particularly those who would be relevant to Members’ work, with the local elections next year it would be useful for all Members to be alerted to new officers with their photo and role. The Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer noted that could be addressed in the communications to Members via the newsletter.
3. A Committee member welcomed the report and asked once all the actions had been implemented, whether the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny (CfGS) could revisit the Council to see whether any other areas could be improved, its last visit was in 2022 and the CfGS provides a significant benefit to organisations. The Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer agreed noting that would demonstrate good governance, a future date could be reviewed and agreed with the Committee after the local elections.
4. Regarding ‘Members and Officers Working Together’, the Chairman wondered whether there could be a workshop for the Committee with CLT, to see what could be done better. The Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer would liaise with the Chief Executive and CLT.
5. Responding to the Chairman, theInterim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer confirmed that there would be a Local Government Association (LGA) peer review next year and the date was to be confirmed, the LGA undertakes a peer review of authorities on a five-year cycle.
1. Noted the continued progress made against the actions taken by officers in response to the 2022 Centre for Governance and Scrutiny report as set out in Annex 1.
2. Noted that the actions, tasks and ongoing monitoring of these areas are now integrated into the Council’s business as usual activities.
3. Noted that ongoing governance work will be undertaken by the Council using the Government’s Best Value Standards and Intervention statutory guidance with oversight from the Audit and Governance Committee.
Actions/further information to be provided:
1. A33/24 - The Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer will follow up the suggestion that all Members be alerted to those new officers that would work closely with Members when they join with their photo and role through the communications to Members via the newsletter.
2. A34/24 - The Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer will review a future date to be agreed with the Committee after the local elections, for the CfGS to visit the Council to see whether any other areas could be improved.
3. A35/24 - The Interim Director of Law and Governance and Monitoring Officer will liaise with the Chief Executive and CLT regarding the request for a workshop for the Committee with CLT, to see what can be done better.
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