Agenda item


This report provides an update on progress on the improvement areas identified in the 2023/24 Annual Governance Statement for monitoring purposes.





Andy Brown, Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director - Resources

Key points raised in the discussion:

1.    The Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director - Resources explained that the Annual Governance Statement formed part of the Council’s Statement of Accounts, the report provided an update on the work underway.

2.    A Committee member welcomed the Council’s new Section 151 Officer and asked for his reflections on the role so far. The Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director - Resources noted the regular finance updates to Cabinet, the budget was a focus. Areas of concern included MySurrey, he had spoken to the Chief Internal Auditor about some of the issues which were being rectified, his role was to ensure a robust control environment and financial administration.

3.    A Committee member referred to the Digital Business and Insights (DB&I) programme and noted that the update was not an accurate reflection of the current situation concerning MySurrey and the problems experienced. It would be helpful for reference to be made to the work underway by Internal Audit, for example payroll and pensions receiving Minimal Assurance. The update does not highlight the significant issues that the Council is addressing.

4.    The Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director - Resources acknowledged that the update could be more forthcoming about the current situation faced, particularly regarding the several low assurance Internal Audit reports, highlighting the weaknesses in the control environment. He would take that comment on board to reflect that in the update that there is work underway. He noted the need to be more honest and transparent, with staff and the Committee and Members about the reality of the situation and improvements to be made.

5.    The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources referred to the paragraph on DB&I which notes the pipeline of outstanding technical fixes which were impacting on several areas within the system such as payroll and pension services, those were prioritised for completion overseen by the MySurrey Stabilisation Board.

6.    The Chairman asked that the timeline be added to the last paragraph regarding DB&I. The Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director - Resources noted that a more definitive timescale was being reviewed, he would add more detail to the update report on the work underway including timescales.

7.    The Cabinet Member for Finance and Resources noted that he received regular updates on the work of the MySurrey Stabilisation Board, which had a project plan for key areas to improve, the board was working to the timescale of the end of March 2025 to clear the backlog of issues. Responding to a Committee member, he noted that the board was set up in September. A Committee member emphasised the need to allow the board to do its work.

8.    A Committee member noted that the MySurrey Stabilisation Board was addressing several actions as part of business as usual from when the system went live in June 2023. Welcomed an update for the next Committee meeting on the work of the MySurrey Stabilisation Board, to understand what the problems are and its action plan and timelines, and its Terms of Reference. The Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director - Resources was happy to provide that report, following the period of stabilisation; further improvement and development would follow beyond March 2025. The board was reviewing and actioning the recommendations from the Internal Audit reports.



Confirmed that it was satisfied with the progress made so far, subject to detail to be added to the update report on the DB&I programme to reflect the current situation concerning MySurrey.

Actions/further information to be provided:

1.    A42/24 - The Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director - Resources will reflect the comments in the updated report, adding more detail on the work underway including timescales, referring to the work underway by Internal Audit.

2.    A43/24 - The Deputy Chief Executive and Executive Director - Resources will provide a report for the next Committee meeting on the work of the MySurrey Stabilisation Board, highlighting the problems, its action plan, timelines, and its Terms of Reference.


Richard Tear (Vice-Chairman) left the meeting at 11.57 am.


Supporting documents: