This report seeks Cabinet approval for our Residential and Nursing Care Delivery Strategy to improve our residential and nursing care offer for older residents in Surrey within the wider Right Homes, Right Support Strategy (RHRS). Its inclusion ensures that Surrey County Council (the Council) has a comprehensive strategy across Supported Independent Living for working age adults, affordable Extra Care Housing, and Residential and Nursing Care for older people.
(The decisions on this item can be called-in by the Adults and Health Select Committee)
1. That Cabinet approves the Right Homes, Right Support: Older People’s Residential and Nursing Delivery Strategy.
2. That Cabinet approves £3.6m of capital funding from the Council’s capital pipeline for the Older People’s Residential and Nursing Delivery Strategy to:
i. Undertake the necessary Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Stage 0 Strategic Definition Studies, RIBA Stage 1 Feasibility Studies, and market engagement across the whole Council owned care home portfolio.
ii. Enable a strategic business case to be developed across the whole care home portfolio.
3. That Cabinet notes the direction of travel for care homes on Council owned land (set out in recommendation 2) and the possible need for public consultation on the proposed future use of sites.
Reasons for Decisions:
Approval of the Strategy set out within this report will:
a) Enable independence and improved outcomes for Surrey’s older residents for as long as possible through delivering specialist care home accommodation, which will play a key role in the prevention of early admissions into acute hospitals and into long term care home placements that may not be necessary.
b) Ensure that there is sufficient care home provision available to meet the increasing older peoples’ population in Surrey and that can support people with complex mental health needs and complex physical frailty.
c) Enable us to address the current, and future, deficit in available capacity from the wider care market. Despite extensive steps taken to address prices paid, developing new contracting arrangements, and investing in care home capabilities across the Surrey care market, we need new opportunities and improved capacity to enable the best outcomes for residents.
d) Enhance our offer of support to providers to improve quality and outcomes for all residents receiving care and enable them to deliver services to meet increased demand and complex needs.
e) Long standing strategic contracts commissioned by the Council will be managed through robust expiry planning to ensure there is minimal disruption to residents, carers, families and operational teams.
f) Ensure that we develop (subject to detailed market engagement, feasibility studies and outcomes of possible public consultation) the most commercially viable and financially sustainable strategic business case for the Council to achieve its Residential and Nursing Care Strategy for Surrey’s older residents.
g) Ensure effective use of the Council’s assets to deliver improved outcomes for our residents, that is financially sustainable and means ‘no one is left behind’.
(The decisions on this item can be call-in by the Adults and Health Select Committee)
The report was introduced by the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care. Cabinet was being asked to approve the Residential and Nursing Care Delivery Strategy to improve our residential and nursing care offer for older residents in Surrey within the wider Right Homes, Right Support Strategy. The Residential and Nursing Care Strategy would enable the council to deliver care homes that are fit for purpose and offers a wide range of services to meet complex needs. Paragraph 8 within the report explained the projected future demand for residential, enhanced residential and nursing care. The Leader commended the report and explained that there had been many discussions around supported living, extra care housing and residential and nursing care.
1. That Cabinet approves the Right Homes, Right Support: Older People’s Residential and Nursing Delivery Strategy.
2. That Cabinet approves £3.6m of capital funding from the Council’s capital pipeline for the Older People’s Residential and Nursing Delivery Strategy to:
i. Undertake the necessary Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Stage 0 Strategic Definition Studies, RIBA Stage 1 Feasibility Studies, and market engagement across the whole Council owned care home portfolio.
ii. Enable a strategic business case to be developed across the whole care home portfolio.
3. That Cabinet notes the direction of travel for care homes on Council owned land (set out in recommendation 2) and the possible need for public consultation on the proposed future use of sites.
Reasons for Decisions:
Approval of the Strategy set out within this report will:
a) Enable independence and improved outcomes for Surrey’s older residents for as long as possible through delivering specialist care home accommodation, which will play a key role in the prevention of early admissions into acute hospitals and into long term care home placements that may not be necessary.
b) Ensure that there is sufficient care home provision available to meet the increasing older peoples’ population in Surrey and that can support people with complex mental health needs and complex physical frailty.
c) Enable us to address the current, and future, deficit in available capacity from the wider care market. Despite extensive steps taken to address prices paid, developing new contracting arrangements, and investing in care home capabilities across the Surrey care market, we need new opportunities and improved capacity to enable the best outcomes for residents.
d) Enhance our offer of support to providers to improve quality and outcomes for all residents receiving care and enable them to deliver services to meet increased demand and complex needs.
e) Long standing strategic contracts commissioned by the Council will be managed through robust expiry planning to ensure there is minimal disruption to residents, carers, families and operational teams.
f) Ensure that we develop (subject to detailed market engagement, feasibility studies and outcomes of possible public consultation) the most commercially viable and financially sustainable strategic business case for the Council to achieve its Residential and Nursing Care Strategy for Surrey’s older residents.
g) Ensure effective use of the Council’s assets to deliver improved outcomes for our residents, that is financially sustainable and means ‘no one is left behind’.
(The decisions on this item can be call-in by the Adults and Health Select Committee)
Supporting documents: