Kelvin Menon, Chief Finance Officer (OPCC)
Lisa Townsend, Police and Crime Commissioner
for Surrey (PCC)
Key points raised
during the discussion:
- The Chief Finance Officer outlined
that the report was an update on the Estates strategy, mainly
around the Mount Browne redevelopment, along with other
- A member asked if the same course
would still be chosen if the 2021 decision to retain and redevelop
Mount Browne was taken again today. The PCC felt that the same
decision would be taken.
- The Vice-Chairman referred to
paragraph 3 of the report which stated that Public Works Loan Board
(PWLB) loans to redevelop the Mount Browne would be paid back from
money saved through reduced running costs. The Vice-Chairman asked
if the PCC could provide an assurance that this would occur, and
that monies would not be redeployed to other services. The
Vice-Chairman also asked how greatly those repayments would add to
the pressures across the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP). The
Chief Finance Officer explained that the business model for Mount
Browne relied on the savings from the running costs financing the
loan, there is an obligation under the prudential indicators to
cover the interest repayments, and that the savings would be used
to repay the loan. It should not affect the MTFP in terms of
pressures on the Force’s operational budget given that
savings generated from Mount Browne’s redevelopment would be
used to repay the loans.
- A member asked what controls and
contract management practices would be in place to ensure risks of
overspends and overruns were protected against in the construction
project. The Chief Finance Officer explained that there were a lot
of negotiations with the developer on the development contract to
ensure the Force was protected as much as possible, and that the
developer was required to submit a bid before entering each stage
of the contract through an open book process, which the Force could
then challenge. They assured the panel that cost consultants and
quantity surveyors were appointed to assess the spend, and that, if
it was found that the cost for a particular stage was more than
anticipated, the specification would be reviewed to bring it back
into budget. Contingencies for inflation and interest rate rises
were also in place, they said.
- A member asked if there would be a
risk register for the Mount Browne project. The PCC explained that
a risk register was already maintained by the Estates Team and was
discussed at every Estates Board meeting.
- The member asked how much money was
likely to be raised by selling Reigate Police Station, and if it
was not attained, what impact this would have on the Eastern
Division Accommodation Strategy, and how this eventuality had been
planned for. The Chief Finance Officer explained that final bids on
Reigate Police Station were awaited. If bids did not meet
expectations, then there would have to be additional borrowing or a
slightly less ambitious Eastern Division HQ.
- The member asked what amount Reigate
Station was likely to sell for, and how it would be ensured that
the Force did not retain any liability for things such as potential
injury or property damage when selling Reigate Police Station,
which contains (RAAC). The Chief Finance Officer explained that
Reigate Police Station was being sold as seen, with the RAAC still
in place. Once sold, he believed the liabilities should fall away
– it was thought that most parties planning to buy it would
demolish the building. He suggested relaying the member’s
question to the lawyers to ensure certainty around this.
- A member asked what revenue savings
were expected to be delivered by the plans for the Eastern
Division. The Chief Finance Officer could not provide the exact
figures and stated that he would need to ask the Estates team, but
stated that there would be a saving in rent of around
£300,000 that was currently being paid for Wray Park, as well
as savings in the operation of the building, as the new divisional
HQ would be built to modern environmental standards. Operationally,
the new building would be bespoke and hence meet the
division’s needs. The Eastern HQ’s location in
Leatherhead was also good as it would provide good access to the
road network.
- The member asked if the previous
goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030 was still in place. The
Chief Finance Office described this as an aspiration, noting that
the redevelopment of Mount Browne and the Eastern Division HQ was
being done to BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental
Assessment Method) standard, which would substantially reduce the
premises’ carbon footprint. The Force’s main challenge
related to reducing transport emissions as there were not enough
suitable electric or hydrogen vehicles to use and they also require
infrastructure investments.
- A member asked when more information
would be available regarding the Force’s Housing Strategy for
newer officers. The Chief Finance Officer explained that there was
housing stock in a mixed state of repair, which was now being
upgraded, using the proceeds from the sale of empty houses. As part
of Housing Strategy, the Force wanted to provide social housing,
particularly for trainee officers. However, the PCC had recently
been made aware of the Renters’ Rights Bill, which had
several implications for Forces seeking to provide housing.
Currently, the Force could grant assured shorthold tenancies or
could tie the tenancy to a person’s employment. Under the new
Renters’ Rights Bill, although the Force could tie leases to
a person’s employment, a complication arose from the fact
that the PCC owned the buildings but it was the Chief Constable
that employed them. They explained that this created a risk of
building social housing for officers without the ability to get
them to vacate once they left employment with the force. The PCC
had written to the Minister about this issue and requested an
amendment to the Renters’ Rights Bill to allow the letting of
occupational premises to a police officer conditional on their
employment. If no amendment is forthcoming then the Housing
Strategy may not be able to proceed.
Actions/Requests for
further information:
- Chief Executive
to clarify whether the Estates team's risk register can be provided
to the Panel.
- Chief Finance
Officer to follow up with lawyers on who will retain legal
liability for any RAAC-related issues arising after the sale of
Reigate Police Station.
Chief Finance Officers to retrieve figures
from the Estates team on what revenue savings are expected from the
plans for the Eastern Division.