To endorse the co-produced recommendations from the adult mental health services Public Value Review (PVR) and agree that the implementation plan starts immediately.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]
That the recommendations set out in the submitted report and in detail in paragraphs 16 -58 of the report be endorsed and that implementation should start immediately.
The recommendations from the PVR are as follows:
Recommendation 1: Establish a clear commissioning framework for mental health
services, to ensure clear and measurable outcomes and expectations for providers of adult mental health services across Surrey.
Recommendation 2: Drive forward a strategic shift to early intervention and prevention, by investing more resources into the voluntary sector, to ensure equity across Surrey, to keep people well in their communities.
Recommendation 3: Embed personalisation in all adult mental health services in Surrey to create independence, not dependence, and promote choice and control for individuals.
Recommendation 4: Improve knowledge and awareness of mental health across the county, and address stigma and discrimination, to make sure mental health is everyones business. This will be done in partnership with Public Health, partners and the communications team.
Recommendation 5: A focus on improving the mental health and well-being of Surrey County Council’s workforce.
Recommendation 6: Ensure high quality services, by making sure people who use services and carers are involved in developing and delivering the services across all the districts and boroughs in Surrey and ensuring services reflect the outcomes of this PVR.
Recommendation 7: ‘Think family’ when working with people with mental health needs and include mental health indicators as part of Surrey’s Family Support Programme.
Recommendation 8:Value and support carers, by building on the delivery of successful carers support in the mental health field across all districts and boroughs in Surrey.
Recommendation 9:Improve the pathway through mental health services to make sure people don’t fall between the gaps in services. This will be achieved with our partners as a ‘whole systems’ local approach to mental health and emotional well-being.
Recommendation 10:Explore how we deliver social care outcomes and innovations in Adult Social Care mental health services across Surrey.
Recommendation 11:Provide support for people across Surrey with mental health and other needs by making links with other specialist areas of work such as learning disability services and substance misuse services.
Recommendation 12:Improve housing options and support to maintain tenancies by working in partnership with districts and boroughs, NHS Surrey/Clinical Commissioning Groups and housing providers, to enable people to find and maintain appropriate housing.
Recommendation 13:A focus on young people and transition, by working as one team to scope the needs of young people in Surrey who do not meet the criteria for young people’s or adult services, yet need support.
Recommendation 14:Promote access to information, support inclusion and reduce inequalities by implementing the PVR communication strategy and measuring all providers on equalities outcomes.
Reasons for Decisions
Over the past 10 months this PVR has identified the need for a strategic shift in the way that services for adults with mental health needs are commissioned and delivered in Surrey. The recommendations outlined in the main body of this report have been developed with a broad range of stakeholders and partners; implementing them will deliver Surrey's ambition of moving towards early intervention and prevention, personalised services and improved outcomes for people with mental health needs and their family/carers.
[The decisions on this item can be called in by the Adult Social Care Select Committee]
The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health said that this Public Value Review (PVR) has provided an excellent opportunity to focus on improving adult mental health services in Surrey. The ‘bottom-up’, co-design approach taken had enabled Surrey County Council to work with a range of partners to develop recommendations that promote positive mental health, encourage innovation and make ideas a reality to improve the mental health of Surrey residents.
He asked for endorsement of the co-produced recommendations from the adult mental health services PVR and to agree that the implementation plan started immediately. He said that the fourteen recommendations would need to be embedded in Surrey’s culture and announced an Engagement event on 21 January 2013. He also said that the implementation of this Public Value Review (PVR) required additional funding for the personalisation agenda.
Mrs Marks, Chairman of the Adult Social Care Select Committee was invited to address the Cabinet. She informed Members that her select committee had held a special meeting to discuss this PVR and its recommendations. She confirmed that service users had been consulted and that the select committee had an in-depth debate on the PVR. She also stressed the importance of getting the transition from Children to Adults Service right, especially for those clients with Mental Health issues and she considered that the current six month waiting list for CAMHS was unacceptable and must be addressed. Finally, she thanked Donal Hegarty and his team for their work on this PVR.
The Cabinet Member for Community Safety commented on the Equalities Impact Assessment and commended the Communications Strategy (Annex 5 of the report).
The Leader of the Council thanked the Chairman of Adult Social Care Select Committee for her comments and her efforts in championing Adult Mental Health Services throughout Surrey.
That the recommendations set out below and in detail in paragraphs 16 -58 of the report be endorsed and that implementation should start immediately.
The recommendations from the Public Value Review are as follows:
Recommendation 1: Establish a clear commissioning framework for mental health
services, to ensure clear and measurable outcomes and expectations for providers of adult mental health services across Surrey.
Recommendation 2: Drive forward a strategic shift to early intervention and prevention, by investing more resources into the voluntary sector, to ensure equity across Surrey, to keep people well in their communities.
Recommendation 3: Embed personalisation in all adult mental health services in Surrey to create independence, not dependence, and promote choice and control for individuals.
Recommendation 4: Improve knowledge and awareness of mental health across the county, and address stigma and discrimination, to make sure mental health is everyone’s business. This will be done in partnership with Public Health, partners and the communications team.
Recommendation 5: A focus on improving the mental health and well-being of Surrey County Council’s workforce.
Recommendation 6: Ensure high quality services, by making sure people who use services and carers are involved in developing and delivering the services across all the districts and boroughs in Surrey and ensuring services reflect the outcomes of this PVR.
Recommendation 7: ‘Think family’ when working with people with mental health needs and include mental health indicators as part of Surrey’s Family Support Programme.
Recommendation 8:Value and support carers, by building on the delivery of successful carers support in the mental health field across all districts and boroughs in Surrey.
Recommendation 9:Improve the pathway through mental health services to make sure people don’t fall between the gaps in services. This will be achieved with our partners as a ‘whole systems’ local approach to mental health and emotional well-being.
Recommendation 10:Explore how we deliver social care outcomes and innovations in Adult Social Care mental health services across Surrey.
Recommendation 11:Provide support for people across Surrey with mental health and other needs by making links with other specialist areas of work such as learning disability services and substance misuse services.
Recommendation 12:Improve housing options and support to maintain tenancies by working in partnership with districts and boroughs, NHS Surrey/Clinical Commissioning Groups and housing providers, to enable people to find and maintain appropriate housing.
Recommendation 13:A focus on young people and transition, by working as one team to scope the needs of young people in Surrey who do not meet the criteria for young people’s or adult services, yet need support.
Recommendation 14:Promote access to information, support inclusion and reduce inequalities by implementing the PVR communication strategy and measuring all providers on equalities outcomes.
Reasons for Decisions
Over the past 10 months this PVR has identified the need for a strategic shift in the way that services for adults with mental health needs are commissioned and delivered in Surrey. The recommendations outlined in the main body of this report have been developed with a broad range of stakeholders and partners; implementing them will deliver Surrey's ambition of moving towards early intervention and prevention, personalised services and improved outcomes for people with mental health needs and their family/carers.
[Note: The Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes left the meeting after this item]
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