To agree arrangements for the allocation of budgets in 2014-15.
Resolved to:
(i) Agree that the improvement (ITS) schemes described in this report form the Waverley LTP programme for 2014/15, with Maintenance Capital and Revenue funding reserved to implement the programme, also that the implementation of a 40mph speed limit on the A287 between Gong Hill Drive and Fifield Lane, Frensham (as agreed at Item 10) be added to the programme, £8000 of the costs to be found from the Waverley Western Villages drainage budget and the residue from the unallocated sum.
(ii) Agree allocations to the Lengthsman scheme and other revenue and capital headings as described at 1.3 of this report.
(iii) Authorise the Area Highway Manager (AHM) to progress the schemes included in the programme in consultation with local elected members and associated task groups.
(iv) Subject to approval of recommendations (i) and (ii) authorise the AHM to consider and determine any objections submitted following the statutory advertisement of the traffic orders and notices associated with the programme of schemes, in consultation with the Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant local councillors.
(v) Delegate authority to the AHM in consultation with the Chairman and Vice- Chairman and locally affected Members to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner.
(vi) Agree that Community Enhancement Fund is devolved to each County Councillor based on an equal allocation of £5,000 per division
The committee was asked to agree 2014/15 allocations at this stage so that scheme design can start at the earliest opportunity, increasing confidence in delivery.
The Committee debated the proposed funding arrangements for the Lengthsman scheme. While recognising the success of the scheme in some parishes, a number of members were concerned about a lack of equity across the borough, in that residents in areas whose town/parish councils had opted not to apply to participate, were disadvantaged. These members would prefer an alternative arrangement in which the budget is made available on a divisional basis for members to allocate for additional work as appropriate. There was an opposing view, however, that rural parishes benefited from the existing form of the scheme and that the process need not be onerous. It was noted that the matter would return to the next meeting for a formal decision on allocations for 2014-15 and the Chairman undertook to consider the comments made.
Following the decision made in Item 10, Mr D Harmer proposed an amendment to recommendation (i) to enable the proposed 40mph limit on the A287 between Gong Hill Drive and Fifield Lane, Frensham to be added to the programme, funding to be allocated as follows; £8000 of the costs to be found from the Waverley Western Villages drainage budget and the residue from the unallocated sum. The amendment was seconded by the Chairman and agreed by the Committee.
Mr S Cosser requested that his opposition to resolution (ii) be recorded.
Resolved to:
(i) Agree that the improvement (ITS) schemes described in this report form the Waverley LTP programme for 2014/15, with Maintenance Capital and Revenue funding reserved to implement the programme, also that the implementation of a 40mph speed limit on the A287 between Gong Hill Drive and Fifield Lane, Frensham (as agreed at Item 10) be added to the programme, £8000 of the costs to be found from the Waverley Western Villages drainage budget and the residue from the unallocated sum.
(ii) Agree allocations to the Lengthsman scheme and other revenue and capital headings as described at 1.3 of this report.
(iii) Authorise the Area Highway Manager (AHM) to progress the schemes included in the programme in consultation with local elected members and associated task groups.
(iv) Subject to approval of recommendations (i) and (ii) authorise the AHM to consider and determine any objections submitted following the statutory advertisement of the traffic orders and notices associated with the programme of schemes, in consultation with the Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman of the Local Committee and relevant local councillors.
(v) Delegate authority to the AHM in consultation with the Chairman and Vice- Chairman and locally affected Members to amend budgets throughout the year if required to ensure the budget is allocated in a timely manner.
(vi) Agree that Community Enhancement Fund is devolved to each County Councillor based on an equal allocation of £5,000 per division
The committee was asked to agree 2014/15 allocations at this stage so that scheme design can start at the earliest opportunity, increasing confidence in delivery.
[Ms J Potts, Mr D Munro, Mr A Young and Mr M Byham left the meeting.]
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