The Leader of the Council or the appropriate Member of the Cabinet or the Chairman of a Committee to answer any questions on any matter relating to the powers and duties of the County Council, or which affects the county.
(Note: Notice of questions in respect of the above item on the agenda must be given in writing, preferably by e-mail, to Anne Gowing in Democratic Services by 12 noon on Wednesday 4 December 2013).
Notice of 22 questions had been received. The questions and replies are attached as Appendix B.
A number of supplementary questions were asked and a summary of the main points is set out below.
(Q2) Mr Robert Evans made reference to the Conservative election leaflet of Mrs Saliagopoulos and suggested that there was a discrepancy between their policy and her campaign literature. Mr Beardsmore said that the proposed changes would result in the response times in the Spelthorne area being longer. Mr Norman said that overall Surrey Fire & Rescue provided a top quartile performance.
The Cabinet Member for Community Services informed Members that no decision had yet been made in relation to the arrangements for the Spelthorne area. The feedback from the consultation was being analysed and would be discussed at the Communities Select Committee prior to the Cabinet’s decision. She also confirmed that she was willing to discuss the matter with Mr Beardsmore outside the meeting. She also referred to the fire which had occurred at Ewell Court House in the early hours of the morning and the excellent response of the Surrey Fire & Rescue Service. Mr Kington, local Member for Ewell Court, Auriol and Cuddington made a statement in relation to this incident and this was attached as an annex to the minutes.
(Q3) Mr Cooksey asked the Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and the Environment whether there was a timescale, including completion, for the footway programme. The Cabinet Member referred to the permit scheme, launched on 11 November 2013, which would enable the Council to control the work of utility companies and confirmed that all utility repairs to pavements would be inspected. Mrs Coleman asked if Members could also see the survey results. The Cabinet Member said that the information would be shared with local committee chairman and therefore Members should contact them.
(Q4) Mrs Windsor expressed surprise that Skanska was fulfilling its contract, given the issues with unlit bollards and the length of time taken for repairs. The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment said that maintenance of the bollards was part of the Highways Budget and he accepted that there were issues with the current arrangements. Mr Walsh also asked the Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment for his views on how Members could smarten up their local areas. He suggested that this was a matter for local committees and reminded Members to use their local allocations before the end of this financial year.
(Q5) Mr Essex requested details of the County Council’s policy and procedures for assessing potential school sites in the Green Belt. The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment said that he already had this information. Mrs Coleman considered that the last line of the response relating to land being restored and reverted to its former condition was incorrect. The Cabinet Member said that the County Council had an agreed minerals and aggregates plan. Also, the EU had recently praised the Council for the quality of restoration of these sites.
(Q6) Mrs Coleman said that she had recently visited one of the county’s largest libraries and asked the Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes if he was aware that the hearing loop did not work and the staff had not been trained on its use and the equipment was not being maintained. She requested that the person responsible for equalities investigated her concerns and that these issues were resolved.
Other Members raised issues with microphones in meeting rooms and in particular, in the Council Chamber. The Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes promised to investigate their concerns and report back.
(Q10) Mr Beardsmore considered that the response from the Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment did not answer the first part of his question. The Cabinet Member disagreed and said that the response was clear.
(Q11) Mr Kington highlighted the success of Epsom and Ewell Schools and asked the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning, who agreed, to promote their success in the media. Also, Q11, Mr Barker asked the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning about next year’s plans for school places in his area. The Cabinet Member confirmed that the County Council was on track to provide 3000 additional school places for September 2014 and she offered to discuss his specific concerns outside the meeting.
(Q13) Mr Essex asked the Cabinet Member for Community Services if charges were the same as ‘costs’ – she agreed to confirm and respond outside the meeting.
(Q15) Mr Cooksey considered that the response had not provided clarification to his question. The Leader disagreed and said that all Conservative Local Committee Vice-Chairmen were aware that their role included liaison with the Highways Area Manager because this was seen as the best value for money.
(Q16) Mrs Lallement asked the Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning whether it was a statutory requirement to monitor safeguarding of children in non-maintained schools. The Cabinet Member confirmed that the County Council did not have a statutory duty or the authority to enter independent schools to inspect safeguarding procedures. She also informed Members that this area had recently been discussed at the Children and Education Select Committee and that she was considering arranging a briefing on safeguarding for all Members.
(Q19) Both Mr Kington and Mr Ivison highlighted their concerns over the length of time taken to implement the parking review proposals. The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways and Environment said that his written response set out the reasons and said that he would be reviewing the situation in the New Year.
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