Agenda item


Purpose of report: Scrutiny of Services


This report will detail the progress in implementing the recommendations arising from and the performance against savings targets identified by the 2012 Learning Disability PVR


Declarations of interest: None.


Witnesses: Jo Poynter, Senior Manager Commissioning – Learning Disabilities

Dave Sargeant, Assistant Director for Personal Care and Support

Cliff Bush, Chairman of the Surrey Coalition of Disabled People


Mel Few, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Committee discussed the implications on cost in terms of other Council’s residents based in Surrey. It was commented that there was always a legal requirement to ensure an individual’s needs were met in all instances, but this had a potential to prevent an asset being used for a Surrey resident. It was highlighted that Surrey’s proximity to London had an impact in this respect.


2.    The Committee explored a number of questions with respect to residential care and independent care for individuals. Officers highlighted that Adult Social Care offered a diverse range of care packages suited to individual need. It was highlighted that supported living could often be an appropriate means of addressing individual need. Members raised concerns that re-registration could impact on the costs to borough and district councils. It was explained that those with a learning disability would be entitled to the same housing support as any other resident, and that it was important to recognise that the County Council should not be paying a supplementary cost when this was not required.


3.    The Committee queried what impact the Care Bill and welfare reform were likely to have on people with a learning disability. Officers commented that there was substantial work being undertaken to realise the impacts of the Care Bill. However, officers expressed the view that the changes to welfare reform would most likely have an impact on those assessed with a mild level of need. This could have a cumulative effect over time and mean that people needed more substantial support in the longer term.


[David Munro left at 11.30am]


4.    The Committee asked what efforts were being made, in light of the Directorate’s needs to make efficiencies, to ensure the quality of care provided to people with a learning disability remained consistent. Officers commented that there were robust safeguarding and care quality measures in place in regard to the commissioning process.


5.    The Committee was informed that the options around the Local Authority Trading Company were part of the work being undertaken in 2014, pending Cabinet approval of the business case. It was commented that an additional offer in relation to provision of residential care was a potential consideration.


6.    The Committee requested further details in relation to short-breaks, specifically in relation to how they were provided and what alternatives were available.


7.    Witnesses informed the Committee that there was work being undertaken by the Adult Social Care advisory group to explore increases in numbers of reported hate crimes against those with a learning disability. It was also highlighted that there were efforts being made to improve the transport offer as it was felt that this could be disempowering on occasions. However, the Directorate were praised for the move towards greater personalisation for those with a learning disability.




a)    That officers work to increase the occupancy rate of Surrey assets with Surrey Residents.


Action by: Assistant Director for Personal Care and Support


b)    That future reports illustrate the work of community/ self-help groups in relation to each work-stream in the Public Value Review.


Action by: Assistant Director for Personal Care and Support


c)    That future reports demonstrate how the service has offered suitable alternatives to short breaks, and seeks more opportunities to identify alternatives.


Action by: Assistant Director for Personal Care and Support


d)    That officers report back to the Committee on the progress of the Service for People With A Learning Disability Public Value Review in a year.


Action by: Assistant Director for Personal Care and Support


Actions/further information to be provided:




Committee next steps:


The Committee will receive a further progress update in late 2014.


Supporting documents: