Agenda item


Purpose of report: Performance Management/Policy Development and Review


To present to the committee draft updates to the county council’s policy on setting local speed limits and school crossing patrols. A new policy has also been created to address concerns over road safety outside schools.


Declarations of interest: None.




Duncan Knox, Road Safety Team Manager

Lesley Harding, Sustainability Group Manager

Paul Millin, Group Manager Travel and Transport


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The report was introduced by the Road Safety Team Manager who explained that the county’s road safety policy had been reviewed to take into account the latest national policy and improve on Surrey’s existing policy and procedures. Members were asked for their comments before the policy went out to consultation and Cabinet.


2.    A Member of the Committee asked what the procedure would be if a road did not meet its existing speed limit under the new criteria. The Road Safety Team Manager explained that if there was a speeding problem the Local Committee may wish to tackle this, but it was not compulsory for them to retrospectively change a speed limit.


3.    Concerns were raised around the cost of traffic measures introduced outside of schools. The Road Safety Team Manager explained that a working group looking into this had been established and would consider costs of traffic measures in conjunction with school place planning.


4.    A Member asked for clarification around the term ‘most needed’ when considering school crossing patrols. The Sustainability Group Manager explained that the term referred to risk associated with the site. Where there seems to be a high risk the service looks to give priority funding to that site. It was confirmed that this policy is set centrally, with individual officers responsible for implementation in local areas.


5.    Officers informed the Committee that the approximate annual cost of a school crossing patrol was £2,700.


6.    A question around police involvement with setting speed limits was asked by a Member of the Committee. The Road Safety Team Manager explained that the Police were consulted on their views in speeding matters especially in areas were signs alone were not successful, because the police are responsible for enforcement and it is important for speed limits to be effective and manageable.


7.    A Member of the Committee raised concerns around dangerous speeding levels near Royal Alexandra House, Reigate but stated that the Police felt that changing speed limits was not required. It was agreed that this issue should be taken up with the Local Committee, which could allocate funding for traffic calming measures if it saw fit.


8.    Members raised concerns around the consultation timetable and asked for Local Committees to be involved in the consultation process going forward. The Road Safety Team Manager stated that if the policy went to Local Committees the timetable would be extended.


9.    A Member of the Committee commented that while the report gave an overview of road safety as a whole in the county; it would be helpful to dedicate a page to each of the districts and boroughs for the benefit of Members.


10.  It was suggested that in planning applications for school expansions, it be a requirement that highway improvements/traffic calming measures are included as part of the proposals, so that it is not primarily the responsibility of the highways service to plan for.


11.  Members were happy to approve the report on the assurance that Local Committees would be covered as part of the consultation process.




That the setting local speed limits, road safety outside schools and school crossing patrol policies be approved, subject to consultation with Local Committees.


Actions/further information to be provided:


Officers to consult with Local Committees on the updated setting local speed limits, road safety outside schools and school crossing patrols policies.


Committee Next Steps:


Supporting documents: