Agenda item


Purpose of the report: 


This report presents the revenue and capital budget monitoring up-date for January 2014 with projected year-end outturn.


Declarations of interest: None.


Witnesses: Kevin Kilburn, Deputy Chief Finance Officer


David Hodge, Leader of the Council

John Furey, Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways & Environment


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Chairman of COSC informed the Committee that the Sub-Group had considered COSC’s recommendations and the Leader’s response on the budget, and discussed their concerns about the response not addressing specific concerns around savings identified as part of the Family, Friends and Community Support project, with the Deputy Leader. The Sub-Group had felt that the way COSC's scrutiny recommendations were responded to by Cabinet had not been satisfactory.However, further to the discussion with the Deputy Leader at the Sub-Group meeting, there was some acceptance that things could have been handled differently.


2.    The Committee reviewed the Cabinet response in relation to the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2014-19 and noted the projected outturn for 2013/14. Members queried what management action savings had been identified in Adult Social Care for 2013/14 and whether these had been achieved. Officers agreed to provide a written response outlining the nature of the savings, as well as confirmation of whether they had been achieved once the financial outturn report for the year had been produced.


3.    The Committee expressed concern about the ability of Family, Friends and Community Support to deliver savings for 2014/15. It was queried whether there had been progress on an Invest to Save bid to increase capacity within the directorate. Officers commented that they invited bids to the Invest to Save panel from the directorate, but that it would require the development of a robust business case. The Committee commented that there was a need to ensure action was taken in a timely fashion in order to meet the savings targets in year.


4.    There was a discussion around the MTFP and the role of Select Committees in making recommendations in the budget setting process. The Leader of the Council acknowledged that there had been changes to the MTFP and that reserves had been allocated to reduce the savings requirements for Adult Social Care in 2014/15. This was to enable the directorate to develop and implement the work of the Family, Friends and Community Support project.


[David Hodge left at 12.15pm]


5.    The Committee was informed that the flooding report to Cabinet in July 2014 would outline the final costs, as well as proposal around how these costs were met. It was highlighted that a number of announcements were still being made by central Government, and that the final cost to the council would be clearer following negotiations. The Committee was informed that the uncertainties around cost would not delay responses or road repairs, as it was important to ensure that work was undertaken and completed before next winter. The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways & the Environment gave assurances that work would commence in mid-May 2014 and complete in October of the same year. It was further highlighted that £10 million of capital spending had been allocated to flooding recovery at the Cabinet meeting on 25 March 2014. It was commented that there was a list of key areas impacted by the flooding that would be circulated to the Committee members.


6.    The Committee was informed that the flooding recovery would not impact in the delivery of Project Horizon. It was commented that it would run alongside the flooding recovery work.


7.    The Committee was told that information regarding the flooding had been requested from the Environmental Agency and Thames Water under Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act (2010). This information would outline what had occurred and why, as well as give indication of measures required to mitigate the impact of future events. It was agreed that the response to this request would be shared at the next Committee meeting for consideration, and then circulated to the Environment & Transport Committee.


8.    The Cabinet Member for Transport, Highways & the Environment commented that he intended to allocate £3 million to address gully and ditches maintenance, and that this work would be undertaken as part of the flooding recovery. It was highlighted that some of the damage to bridges could not be assessed fully until the flood waters had reduced.




a)    That the information provided in response to the Section 19 request be brought to the Committee for discussion at the earliest opportunity: following discussion, the Committee to refer detailed issues to the Environment & Transport Select Committee for further consideration if necessary.


Action by: Deputy Chief Finance Officer


b)    That the report to Cabinet in July 2014 on the flooding response and cost is considered at a future Committee meeting.


Action by: Chairman/Democratic Services


Actions/further information to be provided:


Flooding information related to affected highways and infrastructure resources be circulated to the Committee.


Action by: Deputy Chief Finance Officer


Supporting documents: