Agenda item

Proposed Expansion of St John the Baptist Catholic Secondary School

There is significant demand for new school places within Surrey resulting from increases in the birth rate and inward migration into the County. Since 2010 the Cabinet has approved the expansion of 8primary schools in the Borough of Woking to meet basic need with further expansions planned in the future. As a result, expansions in the secondary sector are now required to meet the Local Authority’s statutory obligations to provide secondary school places in the area.


Two Catholic primary schools in the area have recently completed expansions approved by Cabinet.  St Dunstan’s Catholic Primary School expanded by one form of entry in 2012 (210 additional places provided in total; 30 per year over 7 years) and The Marist Catholic Primary School expanded by half a form of entry in 2011 (105 additional places in total; 15 per year over 7 years). St Dunstan’s and The Marist are direct feeder schools to St John the Baptist, which without expansion would be unable to meet the future demand for catholic secondary school places in the Borough.


Approval is now sought to expand St John the Baptist Catholic Secondary School by two forms of entry to meet the demand coming through the primary sector.


N.B. An annex containing exempt information is contained in Part 2 of the agenda (item 14).


[The decisions on this item can be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



(1)     A completed expansion of St John the Baptist Catholic Secondary School by two forms of entry in 2018, which would create an additional 400 places (including additional 6th form provision) be approved.


(2)     Delivery of the scheme in two phases be approved - Phase 1 to be delivered by September 2015 which would provide 3 additional classrooms, 2 studio spaces, office accommodation, changing rooms (as a result of converting the existing gymnasium) a new sports hall and Multi Use Games Area (MUGA).


(3)     Subject to a detailed curriculum analysis, Phase 2 to be delivered by 2018 which would comprise 12 additional classrooms to be provided through a mixture of new build and remodelling of existing spaces and additional 6th form rooms. Improved services and an allowance for fixtures and fittings will also be provided as part of the project.  These approvals are subject to the detailed financial information for the school as set out in Part 2 of this agenda (item 14).


Reasons for Decisions:


The Local Authority has a statutory duty to ensure there are sufficient school places in the County. Woking is an area where the demand for school places has increased significantly. St John the Baptist is an Ofsted rated ‘outstanding’ secondary school and has been oversubscribed even at existing levels of demand for many years. With the recent expansions at St Dunstan’s and the Marist Catholic Primary schools, which are both direct feeders to St John the Baptist, there is a very strong case to expand the school.

It is recommended to divide the project into two phases. The site is restricted and completing the project in two phases will minimise disruption to the operation of the school and the early delivery of Phase 1 will release existing accommodation for conversion under Phase 2 of the expansion. This will address the existing deficiency in sports facilities at the school as early as possible and avoids inflationary costs in later years.


[The decisions on this item may be called in by either the Council Overview and Scrutiny Committee or the Children and Education Select Committee]



The Cabinet Member for Assets and Regeneration Programmes confirmed that Surrey County Council was undertaking the biggest School Investment Programme that the County had known and would be investing about £330m over the next five years. He said that this project was to expand the St John the Baptist Catholic Secondary School by two forms of entry to meet the demand coming through the primary sector and considered that the ‘One team’ approach, with colleagues from Property and Education working together was the way forward.


The Cabinet Member for Schools and Learning said that managing building projects at secondary schools was more complex and very different to primary school expansion which was why the expansion of this school would be in two phases. It was also on a very restricted site.


Two Catholic primary schools in the area had recently completed expansions approved by Cabinet.  St Dunstan’s and The Marist Schools were direct feeder schools to St John the Baptist, which without expansion would be unable to meet the future demand for catholic secondary school places in the Borough.


The school only had one small gymnasium and no sports hall. Phase 1 would provide a new sports hall and Multi-Use Games Area (MUGA), as well as three additional classrooms, 2 studio spaces, a small office and changing rooms, as a result of converting the existing gym. The capacity of the school would be increased from 900 to 1200 places.


She said that St John the Baptist school was an outstanding school, pupils achieved excellent results there and she commended the recommendations to Cabinet.




(1)     A completed expansion of St John the Baptist Catholic Secondary School by two forms of entry in 2018, which would create an additional 400 places (including additional 6th form provision) be approved.


(2)     Delivery of the scheme in two phases be approved - Phase 1 to be delivered by September 2015 whichwould provide 3 additional classrooms, 2 studio spaces, office accommodation, changing rooms (as a result of converting the existing gymnasium) a new sports hall and Multi Use Games Area (MUGA).


(3)     Subject to a detailed curriculum analysis, Phase 2 to be delivered by 2018 which would comprise 12 additional classrooms to be provided through a mixture of new build and remodelling of existing spaces and additional 6th form rooms. Improved services and an allowance for fixtures and fittings will also be provided as part of the project.  These approvals are subject to the detailed financial information for the school as set out in Part 2 of this agenda (item 14).


Reasons for Decisions:


The Local Authority has a statutory duty to ensure there are sufficient school places in the County. Woking is an area where the demand for school places has increased significantly. St John the Baptist is an Ofsted rated ‘outstanding’ secondary school and has been oversubscribed even at existing levels of demand for many years. With the recent expansions at St Dunstan’s and the Marist Catholic Primary schools, which are both direct feeders to St John the Baptist, there is a very strong case to expand the school.

It is recommended to divide the project into two phases. The site is restricted and completing the project in two phases will minimise disruption to the operation of the school and the early delivery of Phase 1 will release existing accommodation for conversion under Phase 2 of the expansion. This will address the existing deficiency in sports facilities at the school as early as possible and avoids inflationary costs in later years.


Supporting documents: