Agenda item


Purpose of the report: Scrutiny of Services and Budgets


To provide the committee with an outline of how the communications service supports the organisation through the communications and engagement strategy, and to demonstrate how the reduction in spending will be achieved in 2014/15.



Declarations of interest: None.


Witnesses: Louise Footner, Head of Communications

Susie Kemp, Assistant Chief Executive

Kerry Middleton, Communications Manager, Children, Schools & Families


David Hodge, Leader of the Council


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    Officers informed the Committee that the emphasis was on creating a single forward plan and pooled budget for communications activity across the Council. It was commented that a systematic approach to evaluating the effectiveness of communications activity had been developed, and that it gave a clear view of communications spend across the Council. The Committee was told that there was continuing work to identify areas of best practice for grant funded and income generating activity.


2.    The Committee queried why there had been an increase in communications staff across the different directorates. Officers commented that while the central Communications Team had reduced staff, this had created resource implications where activities were still being required. It was commented that the numbers had changed since publication and that updated figures would circulated to the Committee.


3.    It was highlighted that the changes outlined within the report would enable the Head of Communications to have a greater oversight and the ability to identify where resources were required for specific activities. The Committee was informed that the Environment & Infrastructure Directorate had developed a model of good practice where posts were funded within the Directorate but located with the central Communications team.


4.    The Committee commented that it felt local Members could be utilised more effectively to help communicate information about the Council, as well as a number of local issues. It was also highlighted that libraries and printed material both had important roles in communicating key messages. Members commented that the “More than 50 Ways that Surrey adds Value” document had been praised by residents, and suggested that a condensed annual report could also be produced in order to help with communicating information.  Officers commented that they recognised the value local Members could add in this instance, and that they would explore how this could be supported within the level of resources available.


5.    There was a discussion concerning the role of the Communications & Engagement Strategy, and how the function of media and public affairs worked in relation to the Council. Some Members expressed concern that this function was not suitably recognised within the report. Officers commented that reputational considerations were embedded across all communications activity.


6.    The Committee discussed the role of consultation documents, and commented that elements of this process could be clearer and widened to include a greater number of those affected. Officers highlighted that work was being undertaken with Directorates to develop an improved approach to consultations, this included the use of the “Surrey Says” website.


7.    The Committee had a general discussion about how public reports could be made easier to read. A number of ways this could be supported were highlighted, including the use of annexes for more detailed information such as Equalities Impact Assessments.

8.    The Committee endorsed the approach and activity set out in the report to embed a common management, planning and budgetary framework for communications across the organisation, and expressed its appreciation for the effectiveness and quality of the service.




·         That the Head of Communications review the support and information provided to Members in their local role, both individually and through Local Committees, including the provision of a simplified version of the Annual Report (in printed form) for Members to share with constituents.


Actions/further information to be provided:


The Head of Communications to circulate latest staffing figures to the Committee.


Committee Next Steps:




Supporting documents: