Agenda item


Purpose of the report:  Scrutiny of Services and Budgets/Performance Management


This report provides an opportunity for the Committee to review the Adult Social Care budget for 2014-19 as now finalised.



Declarations of interest: None.


Witnesses: William House, Senior Principal Accountant

Dave Sargeant, Interim Strategic Director for Adult Social Care


Mel Few, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care


Key points raised during the discussion:


1.    The Committee was given an outline on the adjustments to the Family, Friends & Community Support (F,F&CS) savings since the Committee received an update at its Budget Planning Workshop on 13 February 2014. Two documents were tabled at the meeting and are enclosed as appendices to these minutes.


2.    The Committee queried whether there was sufficient resource to ensure staff were equipped with adequate IT provision to achieve the efficiencies through assessments and re-assessments. Officers commented that the principle of the Rapid Improvement Events (RIEs) was to simplify process, and that IT resource was an element of this. It was highlighted that there was a number of corporate initiatives around creating efficiencies through digital design and using app technology, and that the Directorate would be part of this. It was highlighted by Members that this could be a topic of discussion when the Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee looked at the Council’s digital strategy and approach.


3.    The Committee was informed that there were 4 pilots being run with MySupportBroker, an organisation that supported individuals in assessments and identification of care packages. The Committee was informed there were were a number of potential benefits to commissioning MySupportBroker, including the potential to increase capacity and allow the Council to undertake the assessments and re-assessments necessary to achieve the efficiencies identified within the F,F&CS project.


4.    The Committee asked whether the finances for the increased training and resources had been identified and ring-fenced to support implementation. It was commented by officers that the above was within the corporate budget, and that the need for it to be protected had been recognised by the budget holders in question. The Committee was informed that the Chief Executive had commented that F,F&CS was not solely a Directorate priority, and the Corporate Leadership Team had expressed a commitment to its delivery.


5.    The Committee was informed that the Directorate was developing a new induction programme for staff and that this would be an opportunity to communicate critical messages regarding the F,F&CS agenda.


6.    Members expressed concern that a projected 20% reduction in support package costs would not be achievable, and that there was some concern that it represented a reduction in support. It was clarified by officers that 20% figure was based on the savings that MySupportBroker had modelled from prior experience. The Committee was also informed that this saving was not an imposed quota on assessments, as the Adult Social Care budget was demand led. Instead the 20% was an indicative figure of the savings the Directorate believed could be made through robust reassessments, and through better identification of resources within the community.


7.    The Committee discussed the implications of the F,F&CS agenda, and highlighted some areas of concern. These included an increased risk in respect to safeguarding, created by encouraging people to access resources outside of the Directorate’s responsibility and oversight. It was also commented that any assessment that used F,F&CS as a principle should allow for individual choice. Members commented that it was important that reassessments of support needs were taking into account the “worse day” scenario, and commented that there should be a clear and transparent appeals process.




a)    That the Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee considers issues concerning improving IT solutions for Adult Social Care front-line staff at its meeting on 4 June 2014.


Action by: Council Overview & Scrutiny Committee


b)    That the Committee continues to monitor the budget position of the Directorate on a quarterly basis.


Action by: Democratic Services/Adult Social Care Directorate


Actions/further information to be provided:




Committee Next Steps:




Supporting documents: