Agenda item


To receive any petitions in accordance with Standing Order 68.  Notice should be given in writing or by e-mail to the Community Partnership and Committee Officer at least 14 days before the meeting.  Alternatively, the petition can be submitted on-line through Surrey County Council’s e-petitions website as long as the minimum number of signatures (30) has been reached 14 days before the meeting.


Three petitions had been received.  The details of the petitions and the responses are attached in Annex A to these minutes.


Petition 1

A petition with 35 signatures was received from residents of The Fairway, Weybridge requesting the introduction of static non-parking bollards and double yellow lines on the right-hand side grass verge of Brooklands Road, by the southern entrance/exit of The Fairway to preclude cars causing an obstruction to residents exiting from The Fairway.

Ms Sandi Beaumont spoke for 3 minutes in support of the petition explaining how the parked cars/vans on the verge in Brooklands Road impeded the sightline for the cars exiting The Fairway from the southern exit creating a safety hazard.  To highlight the dangers she quoted the stopping distances from the Highway Code, statistics from the Department of Transport on the higher risks of fatalities from side impact collisions and guidance on the calculation of sightlines and visibility splays from Manual for Streets.

To conclude, although the original petition was for bollards, the petitioners were now requesting i) the implementation of double yellow lines and ii) the extension of junction splay at the southern end to enhance road visibility.


Christian Mahne explained he had met with the Parking Team Manager and they had agreed that the installation of double yellow lines should help resolve the issue.  Cllr Peter Harman expressed support for the petitioners too. The Parking Team officer, Steve Clavey responded as per the officer’s response attached in Annex A.


Petition 2

A petition with 20 signatures was received from residents of Wynton Grove, Walton on Thames requesting that when the parking restriction times are reviewed in April 2014 consideration is given to increasing the ‘residents only’ parking times.

Ms Alison Moore spoke for 3 minutes, explaining that residents of Wynton Grove were becoming increasingly frustrated at not being able to park, because non residents quite legally park after 10am for the rest of the day. When these restrictions were introduced some 20 years ago it was to prevent commuters parking in the road, but times have changed, new businesses have arrived in Walton and some commuters have flexible working hours so can park for the full day for free after 10 am and not return until 5.30/6pm at the earliest.  Some do not return until 10/11pm at night. The residents would like residents parking only from 8am to 6pm with a maximum stay of 2 hours for non residents after 10am.  She thanked the Local Committee for accepting the petition and allowing her to speak in support of it.


Councillor Stuart Hawkins thanked the Local Committee for accepting the petition for the small cul de sac even though it didn’t meet the normal minimum of 30 signatures.  He appreciated that because Wynton Grove is so close to the station it is one of the first roads to be affected, but it is a problem elsewhere in Walton too and he would like officers to look at a wider area.

The Parking Team officer, Steve Clavey responded as per the officer’s response in Annex A.

Margaret Hicks summarised by saying any action in response to the petition would be deferred until a review of the whole CPZ could take place in Walton, which Councillor Hawkins said he was happy with as long as the delay was not too long.


Petition 3

A petition was received with 62 signatures requesting to promote the reconstruction of Palace Road East Molesey to the 2014/15 programme.


Nick Healey, the Area Highways Team Manager, explained that the Operation Horizon road maintenance programme had been reviewed with Members and Stuart Selleck had indicated that Palace Road was a priority.  He also explained that the programme is now set and no other new roads can be moved up the schedule.


Stuart Selleck explained on looking around his division it was clear Palace Road was a priority and Councillor Nigel Cooper gave his full support to prioritising Palace Road.  Councillor Steve Bax echoed the thoughts of Councillor Cooper and Stuart Selleck and also asked if Highways could look at the camber on the road during the resurfacing.