Agenda item


Purpose of report: Policy Development and Review


To enable the Adult Social Care Select Committee to evaluate progress to date in developing the strategy and refresh of the Information and Advice Strategy, and to input to them.


Declarations of interest: None.




John Woods, Assistant Director for Policy and Strategy.


Dave Sargeant, Interim Strategic Director for Adult Social Care

Mel Few, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care

Steve Cosser, Cabinet Associate for Adult Social Care


1. The Committee was given a brief summary of the Dilnot recommendations around self-funders. The Government had capped self-funder care costs regardless of personal wealth. Self-funders now have the right to be assessed by the Council. They are then given an independent personal budget of what the Council would spend on their care. The Committee was informed that the Government has stated there would be ‘no unfunded burdens’ as a result of the Care Act 2014; however, Surrey County Council was concerned that the system was unclear. The Committee was informed that regulations and guidance were not yet available from government.


2. The Committee raised concerns about the IT systems being up and running by April 2016 and also that the administration fee that the Care Act has enabled might be hard to implement and could cause confusion. Officers reported that they had concerns about the IT delivery but were in discussions about requirements. Until guidance was in place the IT system could not be created, possibly taking it past the April 2016 deadline. Officers commented that the administration fee would not be charged very often, and only in cases where the Council was asked to act as a broker for a self-funder. As the Council could only offer the market price, not the lower price a Council could get a service for, officers thought it unlikely that requests to act as a broker will happen often.


3. The Committee thanked John Woods for his work on this area and asked for an update on the pilot in Elmbridge. The Committee also requested a one page document for County Councillors on the issue to assist them in helping residents understand the changes.


4. The Cabinet Associate for Adult Social Care commented that from discussions with colleagues in other councils, that Surrey County Council was well-advanced compared tothe majority.  The Assistant Director for Policy & Strategy was working directly with the Department of Health and it was noted that the financial modelling Surrey officers had developed was referred to as ‘the Surrey model’, highlighting its success.


5. The Committee asked about the provision of access to information and advice for residents. Officers said that part of the Care Act focused on the importance of information in helping people to make their own choices. Officers commented that websites and leaflets would not be sufficient and that information would need to be translated into formats that make it understandable in a variety of different ways, for different audiences.


6. The Committee queried if a self-funder started off buying their own care at a higher level than Surrey County Council would normally fund, and then met the cap, whether the Council would have an obligation to maintain this level of care and cost. Officers said that these ‘threshold cases’ would all be different and that the Council could either ask them to move to a place that is within the range the Council would pay, or could negotiate with the provider to reduce the rates.




In relation to the Assessment and Review Strategy, the Committee:

·         Endorsed the Elmbridge pilot evaluation criteria

·         Requested that the outcome of the pilot and draft strategy be presented to Adult Social Care Select Committee in December, and;

·         Request that officers produce an executive summary/briefing for all County Councillors, to aid understanding of the Care Act’s requirements in relation to people who fund their own care. 

(Action by: John Woods)


In relation to the Information and Advice Strategy, the Committee:

·         Endorsed the strategic direction for ensuring residents in Surrey have universal access to information and advice.


The Committee adjourned at 11.50am and reconvened at 11.57am.


Actions/further information to be provided:




Committee next steps:




Supporting documents: